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What SWTOR looks like


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Very helpful responses, guys, thanks. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


I'll have to think about it. Those pics are nice, the world seems great if I could get it to look something like that...


Are other players really necessary to "get things done" in the game? I actually could care less if there are npc's or pc's in the geame as long as I have places to go to and monsters/bad guys to whack/shoot at. I guess what I'm saying is the MM part of MMORPG is perhaps my least important requirement, but I wonder, are other people actually necessary for the game? Not to just fulfill the MM part but to have things to shoot at, have bodies walking around in cities for that "life-like" feel, etc?

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not necessary. but nice to have. i too never really was into the MM part of MMOs, but it does get boring (for me) to play by urself after a while. there are Heroic quests that require 2 3 or 4 players. the ones that require 2 players you can usually solo once your a level or two higher, but you wont be able to solo the 3 and 4 quests. its just with no players you are missing out on a part of the game. those quests are fun and its fun to play with other people. imo.
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Looking at the graphics the original Kotor series looks better, it had decent aa and resolution.. Strange how a game from 2003 looks better then SWkoter today???


My causin plays it once in awhile, and i wasn't to impressed with it :teehee:


If you have played the original 2 you would know what i mean, especially maxed out..

Edited by Thor.
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Looking at the graphics the original Kotor series looks better, it had decent aa and resolution.. Strange how a game from 2003 looks better then SWkoter today???


My causin plays it once in awhile, and i wasn't to impressed with it :teehee:


If you have played the original 2 you would know what i mean, especially maxed out..


yea. but that was also a single player game. not an MMO. im still not sure if "its got 'bad' graphics because its an MMO" is more of a hoax or not though. part of me thinks they say that to get off in an area they deem unnecessary. i mean since WoW did so well with its crap graphics, i feel like MMOs now dont worry too much about graphics because they feel like the can get away with it....and honestly if the MMO were great, i could care less about the graphics. but that said, with all the MMOs coming out now, even if it were a WoW clone in terms of game play and design, if it had some top notch graphics, that alone would get me interested.

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Dust 514 has decent graphics compared to most mmofps, especially with its unique directly linked to eve connectivity.


Its one of the better mmofps out there, i haven't seen any really graphically impressive yet.


Even though its in beta it looks promising. it uses the unreal engine like Borderlands. :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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Game may look good, but it's a ghost town. Just about everyone I know who bought it and a membership has stopped playing.


I would have given 'em a few months of play time, I usually try any new MMOs that come out even though I know these days they're all gonna be boring theme park deals, but they didn't offer a digital download in Mexico. Seriously? It's an MMO and Mexico is a neighboring country of the U.S. with a free trade agreement yada yada. Obviously, they don't want money.


I really can't think of any other recent MMOs that I couldn't purchase online. Seems like a rather fail strategy for an MMO to do that.

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Game may look good, but it's a ghost town. Just about everyone I know who bought it and a membership has stopped playing.


I would have given 'em a few months of play time, I usually try any new MMOs that come out even though I know these days they're all gonna be boring theme park deals, but they didn't offer a digital download in Mexico. Seriously? It's an MMO and Mexico is a neighboring country of the U.S. with a free trade agreement yada yada. Obviously, they don't want money.


I really can't think of any other recent MMOs that I couldn't purchase online. Seems like a rather fail strategy for an MMO to do that.

That's because they want you to pay the $60 or whatever upfront so that they've already gotten 90 days of paid time out of you before you get a chance to see what the game is like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stopped playing SWToR because the community sucked. Sorry guys - no offense - but I play an RPG to RP.... so if you want to level to 50 and then maybe RP when you feel like it on the second Tuesday of the month, that doesnt work for me. And Im not complaining about the people who don't want to RP.... I'm complaining about the professed RPers who said to me 50 bajillion times "oh no I just gotta get this toon to 50 then I'll RP"....


Uh huh.


Methinks you are missing the point.

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who said to me 50 bajillion times "oh no I just gotta get this toon to 50 then I'll RP"....


Uh huh.


Methinks you are missing the point.

Not really.


Nobody wants to roleplay some character who seemingly sucks in every way possible compared to everyone else in the world. There is reality for that. For example, nobody would care nuts for Luke in "a New Hope" if he wasn't the main character. You strip away the lead from him, and all he is is a whiny teenaged brat (not too different from Jar Jar really). Han (or really the stormtrooper who veered right because he was almost shot at) is the real hero in the first movie. Find me one person who LARPs as Toby, the half-witted peasant who cleans out the latrines of the great Lord Johnathan and who can sometimes smash small bugs with a stick on a good day (or similar). Nope, people RP as those who are up on that higher echelon of whatever world they happen to be in.

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