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Wars in Skyrim


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Maybe I'm an idiot, blind, or have been living under a rock, BUT I can't find the Wars in Skyrim mod anymore. Has it been deleted, renamed or something? I downloaded it a while back and had no reason to re-download it, but I was checking for an update or if anything new had come out with it (being one of my favorite mods)...and can't find it anymore.
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It may not be the best mod, but it WAS the best mod and it did spawn Warzones.


I still use it, I was fortunate enough to have downloaded it the night before it was taken off Nexus. Just remember that, These talented Modders give us their imagination for free. Yet, we still feel the need to rip them a new one because a spawn point spawns cherry ice cream when we wanted chocolate.



Remember to always thank the modder and endorse their works if you use them. Its hardly payment for their troubles and time, but it is something that lets them know we appreciate what they do. If you feel rich, help them count out some coin.

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It may not be the best mod, but it WAS the best mod and it did spawn Warzones.


I still use it, I was fortunate enough to have downloaded it the night before it was taken off Nexus. Just remember that, These talented Modders give us their imagination for free. Yet, we still feel the need to rip them a new one because a spawn point spawns cherry ice cream when we wanted chocolate.



Remember to always thank the modder and endorse their works if you use them. Its hardly payment for their troubles and time, but it is something that lets them know we appreciate what they do. If you feel rich, help them count out some coin.


I missed out on Wars in Skyrim trying to download it just after it was taken down , but ISTR that people were able to use both mods together which had to be exiting. If it gets rebuilt I'd like to try them both together.


Just like to add that if you don't get on with a mod and you don't have anything constructive to say then don't say anything at all, move on, try something else, come back later to see if its improved.

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I still use it too. I think Warzones is too much for my PC (or have they come out with the slimmed down version yet?). I want to check out monster mod sometime but I'm waiting until I start a new character.


Someone is continuing WIS though right? I thought I read that somewhere here, that eventually a new version would come out.

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