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Question about a preset


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Hi, sorry in advance for my stupidity.. I want to upload a preset, but Im not sure how to tell what mods make up the preset. Do I just list every mod I have installed, or is there a way to tell exactly what mods make up my preset ? I'm just not sure exactly what files make up the mod. I have numerous mods.

Edited by bogart69
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you can add the mods that make up the preset as requirements, so when someone attempts to download the preset, they will see a list of required mods, including links to said mods.


just let them know that your preset ovbiously requires mods, and tell them to make sure to check the mod requirements when downloading.


best to put the information in a sticky post.


you can also add notes in the required mods, so you can just write what mods you know are requirements, in the notes, and then for the rest of the mods just write maybe in the notes xD

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