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Brotherhood Armor Crash


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The short of it is I recently installed Morrowind with Tribunal and Bloodmoon from the original discs to my Windows 7 PC and I get a CTD when I try to equip the Brotherhood assassin armor.


The base game without mods works as well as it did playing it 15 to 16 years ago with all the nostalgia and warm feelings.


After I installed the expansions I began having issues.


I installed Tribunal and Bloodmoon and had issues with the some snowflake error and the game wouldn't run. The solution I found was to open the folder on the Bloodmoon disc and manually drag and drop the meshes, textures, icons, etc., into the corresponding folders in the Morrowind folder on my C: drive.


Did that, game boots fine, and then the Brotherhood assassin attacks. I immediately get an error saying meshes didn't load correctly and I'm left fighting a series of bright, glowing orbs that vaguely resemble a character model if they weren't filling the entire room. Looked like an issue with the meshes to me. I managed to killed the assassin despite the issue, and when looting the glowing body the icons for his Brotherhood gear were missing.


So I threw in the Tribunal disc and dragged and dropped files like I did before and the gear appears normally in my inventory. But if I try to equip any piece of it, the game crashes to the desktop immediately.


Things I have tried:


-Downloading official patches for Tribunal and Bloodmoon and running them. (I know the Tribunal patch is redundant considering Bloodmoon includes it, but I was just trying things.)

-The Morrowind Code Patch

-The Morrowind Graphics Extender

-Searching for other posts dealing with this specific problem (I found posts on various forums that concerned other problems I had run into, but nothing that related to this.)






Any suggestions before I reach Acceptance and give up on ever playing this game with expansions?



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It could be a missing first person .nif for that armour. Is there anything in your warnings.txt file?


Also it's worth installing Morrowind outside of Program Files, and when installing from disk right-click on setup.exe and choose Run As Administrator. That can stop the snowflake error and others.

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