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Ignoring a specific type of error in merge plugins


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I'm trying to incorporate the mod Laser Musket Overhaul by The6thMessenger into a merge using matortheeternal's merge plugins. However, there were some errors that were unfixable by the "fix errors" feature. I tried searching google and various forums to see if there was any other user that encountered this problem, but I found nothing about this type of error. That being said, is it safe to ignore this type of error posted below? Or is the risk not worth it?

RifleLaserMusketPlayer [KSSM:0002B94D]

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 12>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 11>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 10>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 9>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 8>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 7>

Unhandled error: KSSM \ Sounds \ RNAM - Sound \ Reverb Class -> <Unknown: 6>

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that issue is referring to sound, so the most likely outcome based on them exceptions, is the laser musket will no longer have its reverb added to its gun shot sound (most noticed when fully charged). now that could simply be the laser musket might no longer have gun shot sounds, but it could also result in CTDs every time you fire the gun.


with that said now you know the potential outcomes, its up to you to decide if its worth it.


also i do not recommend merging plugins, 255 is a pretty big limit, and second of all, load order is incredibly important, merging many mods into 1 can cause all sorts of issues, strictly down to the load order. now depending on where you place the merged plugin will greatly effect the load order. place it too far down, and their could be many conflicts, place it to high, and it could become redundant.

Edited by Guest
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Thanks for your reply. Figured it had something to do with having the option for more than 6 cranks and not having any firing sound past 6 cranks. The mod itself actually didn't have more than 6 cranks, but adding another mod added them, although from 7-12 they were all silent when firing. I assume the error was from not having the option to begin with and also not having any sound associated with them. I actually managed to fix the silent firing problem by adding another mod for 7 to 8 cranks and removing most of the mod with xedit and leaving only the "sound descriptor" part in. So far the merge has not caused any CTDs, although there are minor conflicts with mods such as paintjobs.


As for merging I understand the risks it does add to game stability. Even though I try to be as careful as possible using tutorials like from gamerpoets $#!t does still happen. I think the risks are worth it though and usually when the game has become too unstable that I get CTDs everywhere and anytime, I have usually gotten so far in the game that it's time to start a new playthrough anyways xD.

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