seanxx Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Im wandering around Markath, going to kill the big spider for Calcemo when i got this crash error: alias GemMapMarker on quest DA09 (0004E4E1): Cannot force the alias's reference to a None reference.stack: [alias GemMapMarker on quest DA09 (0004E4E1)].ReferenceAlias.ForceRefTo() - "<native>" Line ? [DA09ChangeLocation (00081C59)].QF_DA09ChangeLocation_00081C59.Fragment_0() - "QF_DA09ChangeLocation_00081C59.psc" Line 38[09/06/2012 - 09:39:33PM] VM is freezing...[09/06/2012 - 09:39:33PM] VM is frozen[09/06/2012 - 09:39:33PM] Saving game...[09/06/2012 - 09:39:34PM] VM is thawing... Quest da09 is Meridia's Beacon Break of the dawn questline - a quest i havent started (and havent been anywhere near Meridia statue yet) Does anyone have any hints about how to solve this one? Is it a case of the Beacon being in a box nearby and that triggering the ctd ?I dont have dawnguard, but am running UKSP and a few mods - asis, ace combat, immersive armours, climates of tamariel, WATER, some armour and face mods nothing that should play around with meridia beacon i think. Great thread btw.Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mujuro Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 @seanxx There are some vanilla quests that toss up errors like that and, in many of those instances, it's really nothing to worry about. For example, even on an unmodded test game, I've gotten log errors relating to the Companions quests when I'm walking out of the cave on the intro MQ101 quest. That said, have you tried reloading and seeing if your crash at that point is predictable and repeatable? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cptcairney Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 I started a new game and got a good few hours game play, but then it froze :( I was in whiterun and strangely, just before the freeze, the quest for getting amrens sword failed ? Im thinking about removing the tytanis mod as I think it might have incompatibility's with some others I use. Here is my log and load order with mods Im using. Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmCLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esmOmegared99-Compilation.esmWARZONES - Civil Unrest.esmJSwords.esmShadow Striping Fix.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espRevampedExteriorFog.espCLARALUX - LightAdjuster - Vanilla Bright Increased Radius.espSkyrimURWL.espWeapons and Armor fixes.espWeapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espBehemoth Dragon.espBellyachesNewDragonSpecies.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espIsh's Souls to Perks.espLost Art of the Blacksmith.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espTytanis.espWRenchant_rotated.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espIMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.espiHUD.espBaratheonArmor.espCloaks.espDaedric Lord Armor.espdaedric_phelm.espDarkNemesis.espDEATH-DEALER.espDragonbone Weapons.espDragonbone Weapons - Faster Arrows.espDragonbone Weapons - Tytanis Compatibility.espDread Knight Weapon Set.espDivine Aegis.espDivine Aegis Sword.espEternalShineArmorAndWeapons.espHedgeKnight.espJoOsSkyrimKnightlyArmory.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espJoOsSkyrimKnightlyArmoryCheat.espDawnguardPaladinArmor.esploners_sword.espLOTR Shield Pack.espisilNarsil.espOmegared99-WeaponSets.espOrcishMaskedHelmet.espPaladinArmor.espPlatedMagiArmor.espScoutArmor.espSilverDragonArmor.espThalmorStandalone.espCloseFaceRobesAndHelm.espuruk.espurukhelmet.espurukshield.espVanguardArmor.espSmithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.espComplete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.espDeadlyDragons.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espKynesguard.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Light Weight).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Light Weight).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Books.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.espImprovedScImpUniforms - Main.espMoreTraining_50.espposesivecorpses.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espRealistic Running Speed.espDuel - Combat Realism.espThe Dance of Death.espABT - Loot Arrows +50%.espABT - Faster Arrows Improved +50%.espABT - Faster Bolts Improved +50%.espABT - Merchants Arrows +50%.espABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +100%.espABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +100%.espABT - Recover +35% Arrows and Bolts.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espUFO - Dawnguard AddOn.espWATER.espWATER - Get Wet.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espdD-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espASIS-Dependency.esp [DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648 <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]stage 1[09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] [DLC1EclipseAttackScript <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]MoveAndEnableAttackersToFathestSpawnPointAlias()[09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] error: Cannot call getDistance() on a None object, aborting function callstack: [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1EclipseAttackScript.GetFarthestAliasFromPlayer() - "DLC1EclipseAttackScript.psc" Line 43 [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1EclipseAttackScript.MoveAndEnableAttackersToFathestSpawnPointAlias() - "DLC1EclipseAttackScript.psc" Line 28 [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648.Fragment_5() - "DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648.psc" Line 69[09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack: [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1EclipseAttackScript.GetFarthestAliasFromPlayer() - "DLC1EclipseAttackScript.psc" Line 43 [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1EclipseAttackScript.MoveAndEnableAttackersToFathestSpawnPointAlias() - "DLC1EclipseAttackScript.psc" Line 28 [DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)].DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648.Fragment_5() - "DLC1_QF_DLC1EclipseAttack2_01017648.psc" Line 69[09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] [DLC1EclipseAttackScript <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]MoveAliasesToRef() AttackerAliases.Length == 3[09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] [DLC1EclipseAttackScript <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]MoveAliasesToRef() index: 0, alias: [ReferenceAlias <alias Attacker1 on quest DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>], reference: [ArrowDamage < (FF000E4A)>][09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] [DLC1EclipseAttackScript <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]MoveAliasesToRef() index: 1, alias: [ReferenceAlias <alias Attacker2 on quest DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>], reference: [ObjectReference < (FF000E52)>][09/06/2012 - 02:17:49AM] [DLC1EclipseAttackScript <DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>]MoveAliasesToRef() index: 2, alias: [ReferenceAlias <alias Attacker3 on quest DLC1EclipseAttack2 (02017648)>], reference: [ObjectReference < (FF000E4F)>][09/06/2012 - 02:17:51AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:18:04AM] VM is freezing...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:04AM] VM is frozen[09/06/2012 - 02:18:05AM] Saving game...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:05AM] VM is thawing...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:23AM] VM is freezing...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:23AM] VM is frozen[09/06/2012 - 02:18:23AM] Saving game...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:23AM] VM is thawing...[09/06/2012 - 02:18:27AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:18:41AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:19:03AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:19:07AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:19:37AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:20:07AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:20:46AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:21:17AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:21:59AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:22:55AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:22:56AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:22:56AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:22:57AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:22:57AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:23:02AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:23:55AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:24:40AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:24:41AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:24:41AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:24:50AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:24:56AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:25:15AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:25:36AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:26:07AM] Info: *Achievement 47 awarded - a winnar is you!*[09/06/2012 - 02:26:07AM] Info: *Achievement 48 awarded - a winnar is you!*[09/06/2012 - 02:26:25AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:26:26AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:26:27AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:26:28AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:27:10AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:27:18AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:27:41AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:28:11AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:28:41AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:29:35AM] [DLC1VampireSleepScript <DLC1VampireSleep (02008E3B)>]PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False[09/06/2012 - 02:29:35AM] RNPC: Periodic update check.[09/06/2012 - 02:31:00AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack: [Active effect 2 on (0001A66A)].ReanimateAshPile.OnEffectStart() - "ReanimateAshPile.psc" Line 93[09/06/2012 - 02:31:17AM] RNPC: Periodic update check. 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seanxx Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 (edited) Thanks MujuroYep i started from my quicksave point(same cell about 5 min before the CTD) and it lead to the exact same crash. So i went back to my last hard save- from yesterday unfortunately, 3 levels ago. Game is running fine BUTwhen i had a look at my log file it looks scary 09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] error: Native function RegisterForKey in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Form. Function will not be bound.[09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] error: Native function UnregisterFromKey in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Form. Function will not be bound.[09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] error: Native function UnregisterFromAllKeys in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Form. Function will not be bound.[09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[09/07/2012 - 03:49:35PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[09/07/2012 - 03:49:48PM] VM is freezing...[09/07/2012 - 03:49:48PM] VM is frozen[09/07/2012 - 03:49:48PM] Reverting game...[09/07/2012 - 03:49:56PM] Loading game...[09/07/2012 - 03:49:57PM] VM is thawing...[09/07/2012 - 03:50:30PM] warning: (FF000D60): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack: [ (0F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF000D60)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?[09/07/2012 - 03:50:35PM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:50:35PM] CLUXMSG : Shrine Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:50:42PM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:51:35PM] warning: (FF000D7F): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack: [ (0F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF000D7F)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?[09/07/2012 - 03:51:41PM] warning: (FF000D99): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack: [ (0F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF000D99)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?[09/07/2012 - 03:52:09PM] warning: (FF000D17): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..stack: [ (0F01F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ? [Active effect 1 on (FF000D17)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?[09/07/2012 - 03:53:08PM] VM is freezing...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:08PM] VM is frozen[09/07/2012 - 03:53:08PM] Reverting game...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] Loading game...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] VM is thawing...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and they can be ignored. [09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3818 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] error: File "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3819 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] error: File "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3820 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] error: File "Dawnguard.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3821 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] error: File "Chesko_WearableLantern_Candle.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3825 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] Compatibility check complete. [09/07/2012 - 03:53:10PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:53:44PM] VM is freezing...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:44PM] VM is frozen[09/07/2012 - 03:53:44PM] Saving game...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:44PM] VM is thawing...[09/07/2012 - 03:53:58PM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:53:58PM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:53:58PM] CLUXMSG : Shrine Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:53:58PM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[09/07/2012 - 03:54:22PM] VM is freezing...[09/07/2012 - 03:54:22PM] VM is frozen[09/07/2012 - 03:54:22PM] Reverting game...[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] Loading game...[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] VM is thawing...[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and they can be ignored. [09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3818 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] error: File "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3819 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] error: File "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3820 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] error: File "Dawnguard.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3821 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] error: File "Chesko_WearableLantern_Candle.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack: <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ? [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3825 [alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (0D007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] Compatibility check complete. [09/07/2012 - 03:54:23PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================[09/07/2012 - 03:54:32PM] VM is freezing...[09/07/2012 - 03:54:32PM] VM is frozen[09/07/2012 - 03:54:32PM] Log closed s that a normal start to the log ? seems to be lots of errors and whatnot going on. The only thing i did recently was uninstall uksp 1.1 and install 1.2Im really sorry about the wall of text, could some one tell me how to make the spoiler/note text hide thingies, i know its something so simple but ive never had to use it on this forum beforeapologies Edited September 7, 2012 by seanxx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mujuro Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 @cptcairney There isn't anything in your error log that I would indicate obvious issues, so you've either got a mod conflict (I can't say if it is Tyantis; I don't use that mod) *AND/OR* once you get to a certain point, the resource load on your rig just becomes too much. You do have a lot of mods going on, so depending on your texture replacers, graphics settings, ini tweaks, etc., you *could* be overtaxing your rig (unless you're running some 6-core monster with plentty of RAM, Skyrim on an SSD, high-end video card, etc.). One thing I did notice in your load order (assuming you're using BOSS) is that you've got the ASIS dependency without the actual ASIS.esp. Did you run SkyProc to build the ESP based on your current set-up? Also, remember to adjust the ASIS.ini to EXCLUDE mods you don't want processed (the majority of your mods). @seanxx You can use the 'spoiler' tag to collapse large text sections. There's nothing in your error log that indicates a specific issue, ASSUMING that the notice from Wearable Lanterns is accurate (that it is informational) AND whatever changes that Wearable Lanterns makes on mod activation differential isn't the cause. What the Wearable Lanterns message is doing is probably checking against your activated mod list (e.g., 83Willows torchbugs) to see if certain mods are also loaded and, if so, to perform certain actions. If those mods are removed, Wearable Lanterns would in turn 'undo' whatever actions it applied earlier. What DOES concern me is the 'quicksave' ... use of that frequently has been known to lead to savegame corruption. It's always better to use NEW saves and never rely on either quick or auto saves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cptcairney Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 lol I've actually not even been using asis properly the whole time :) Though I have since uninstalled and done a full clean install into a clear directory. Though now I'm getting a crash when starting a new game and loading a game :( will be something stupid no doubt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seanxx Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 Thanks MujuroIs there a quicker way of making a new save without going through ESC, New SAVE ,ENTER each time ? check Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mujuro Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 @cptcairney Make sure if you're using SKSE, Script Dragon, etc., that those versions align with your Skyrim (re)install version, etc. @seanxx You can just go into the console and do a "save 'game name xx'" where xx is some sequential number or other unique identifier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jalla74 Posted September 7, 2012 Share Posted September 7, 2012 @jalla74 I tried 3A and went back to 2A, I had all sorts of problems with 3A (as did many other users, which is why MGE reverted back to 2A as his main file). I really believe your issues may already be baked into your save and, if that's the case, clean save uninstalls likely will not help you at all. To see if this is the case, I'd still recommend that you just start a new test game and see if you get the same freezes + log entries. If so, you've got a mod/load order conflict most likely (assuming your rig has the juice to run all your mod set). If you don't get the same consistent freezes/errors, then your savegame is most likely bad. After some serious add/remove modding, I finally seem to get things going just about right. First of all, I fixed my "bound sword" ctd problem by following the wiki (just search for bound swords and you'll find it) - kill/resurrect. Perhaps that helped the other things as well, I dunno. Also, I pretty much enabled/installed all the mods I used (that I remember) before the freezing and did the "training hall" stuff waiting for 31 days. Now I've had only one freeze in 3+ hours, but I constantly save before I start a quest using the console (save "save name"), totally keep off the F5/F9 which can result in problems in the long run according to various sources. Also, I added this which helped the general flow of the game: Thanks again for the help & patience Mujuro, your input got me searching in other angles if it makes sense - so kudos to ya! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mujuro Posted September 8, 2012 Share Posted September 8, 2012 @jalla74 Glad things are working better for you now. And yes, the quicksave is a leading contributor to borking a game, unfortunately. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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