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The class is as old as the Wood Elfes themselfes. From the very beginning, the WE have coverted there best warriors into WayWatchers to protect the forests surrounding there cities, to keep the roads safe for traiders to travel tro them. Time passed while the WayWatcher became more and more seperated from there folk, they began living in small families to ensure the survival of the WayWatchers. They sometimes lived their lives without ever leaving their forest. The WayWatchers became a "familie business", where the children began there training at very young age learning all about the forests and the creatures who lived in them. Tro out the ages their numbers where at a peack, but when the Mortals came everything changed. They drove the other WoodElfs away from there cities into the forests. There they started a totally new life forgetting about the WayWatchers, who moved deaper and deaper in the forest.


When the great wars came the WE moved away from the continent, searching for other peaceful lands. The WayWatcher stayed behind still taking care of their duties to protect the forest, without anyone knowing of their excistance. After the wars they began hating the other races because of their actions against the forest.


Now somewhere still living in the forests, the remainings of the the WayWatchers still took care of their duties, but now they looked at almost every person travelling tro the forest as unwerthy and unthrusty.


Because they lived their whole lives in the forests they know more about herbs and mixing them then any other living thing ( ALCHEMY )

When they are born, the bow is already made for them ( MARKSMAN )

Although not every one of them is skilled at it, some of the are the best Illusionists in whole Mournhold ( SCHOOL OF ILLUSION )

They spend their lives with the trees and became part of them, so they can feal any disturbance in the forest.

It would have to take a good vampire to sneack tro a forest without a WayWatcher knowing about it, or to find a WayWatcher.( SNEAK+SECURITY )

They are very skilled in using a wooden staff ( BLUNT WEAPONS ) and cary a short blade or dagger just in case. ( SHORT SWORD )

Most of the WayWatchers don't use any armor ( UNARMED ) but when out of the forest the use boots ( LIGHT ARMOR) that are always enchanted in some way.

They also know about moving faster then anyone alse in a forest ( SPEED+ACROBATICS+ATHLETICS )



This is my favorite home made class, and these skills are the skills of my wood elf

Ah yes, I've also made some changes to my WoodElf. I didn't like her very much after a time.


Name: Grifion The WayWatcher

Race: Wood Elf

Class: WayWatcher

Armour:-Enchanted light armor boots with a constant effect of refilling 10 points of fatigue each minute.

-Light armor gloves

-When not wanning to be seen she wears a dark green cloack witch is enchanted with a small chameleon spell.




:ph34r: Paddo :ph34r:

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