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Wyre bash and unofficial patch


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You can also access the "Oblivion Mods/Bash Installers" folder from inside Wrye Bash.


Let me quickly check out how it was done, then edit my reply.


edit: Ah, yes. Just go to the Installers tab, then right-click in the open space and choose "Open...". This will open an Explorer window and you'll see the path to "Bash Installers".

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I tried to install UOP with wyre bash, i read the instruction here https://www.reddit.com/r/oblivion/comments/432w8y/installing_unofficial_oblivion_patch_mod_help/

But i cant find folder Oblivion mod and Bash Installer folder. How do i fix this?

That post has it all wrong and that's related to this *bug*.


The Oblivion Mods folder must be in the same level as the Oblivion folder.

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If I recall correctly, I think that Wrye Bash creates the Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folders when you first open the Installers tab in the Wrye Bash interface (in other words it doesn't exist until after you open the Installers tab).

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