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Can't find my files! (after saving updates in SSEEDIT)


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So, I recently created my first ever mod (TCBFLASH WEAPON SPECS DISPLAYED), and I thought everything was going good, until I started having trouble finding my updated file after adding more changes to my mod in SSEEDIT. Basically, it goes like this...

1) i go into sseedit, make all the changes/updates I want...

2) I save the changes (sseedit says "saving done" or whatever, which I know worked because I can go back in and look and the changes still show in sseedit)

3) I now want to find the file (should be in documents, right?) and "zip" it to download the update to nexus... NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!

... or is it? I do see a file by the same name, but the date/time it says last updated is NOT recent, so I don't think it's the file with the most recent updates. And I don't even know how to check either, because I'm not a computer guy. The only way I thought of to TRY to check is to go ahead and upload the questionable file to my mod page on nexus, download it myself, and then open my game to try to see if I can find one of the weapons I recently updated to see if the changes show... which is what I am in the process of now... (waiting for nexus to say the file is ready to download), but I have a bad feeling that it does not contain the updates, because I see that the file size is actually LESS KB than my previous file... which I don't think would make sense since this mod project is basically a process of changing the name of every weapon in the game (to show additional weapon specs), so each update I post will have an increased quantity of info than the previous version).


Can anyone help me or tell me what I am doing wrong???


update - yep, no good. the file I uploaded does NOT have my recent changes. (and since I downloaded it myself I think it overrode my data in sseedit, so now my changes are even lost in there! (does that make since? I'm so lost, ready to give up :-( )


Update part 2 - Okay so I have a strange theory... could my problem be that I have downloaded my own mod through Nexus, rather than just letting it operate as a plugin? I'm theorizing that because it was a nexus "mod" on my list of mods in NMM... and then when I saved updates in sseedit, under the same file name, then whenever NMM refreshed it would override the plugin...tcbflashweaponspecs.esp… with the info on my actual nexus mod file (v1.02)? Does this make any sense at all??? Please someone who knows their stuff steer me back towards sanity!


PART 3 - 10/8/18 - all solved! NEVERMIND!

Edited by tcbflash
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