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I keep crashing while fighting the magic anomalies in winterhold


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Hi, i've been having lots of trouble with this whole mod load out in regards to crashing, I have fixed the majority of the issues but the issue of crashing in winterhold while fighting the magic anomalies I cant figure out.


i took a screenshot of my mod list to save time but here is my list of mods:






EDIT: I found out the issue was ELFX, but i really like the mod so if anyone can figure out a solution so that I may keep the mod that would be great.

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On the left hand side of the NMM interface on the PLUGINS tab, are two buttons with a right facing arrow on them.
The first button looks like an arrow pointing towards a sheet of paper, if you put your mouse over that button, it says "EXPORT CURRENT LOAD ORDER"
It will export your load order to a TEXT file so you can copy and paste the text here, instead of posting screenshots.


Then you can paste the text here, and put it inside SPOILER tags like this


[ spoiler] load order stuff [ /spoiler]

(Remove the space between [ and s and [ and /s so you get this


like this



Also, you didn't even post your load order, you posted a screenshot from the MOD tab which doesn't tell anybody anything

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