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[LE] Rochebere- A brand new city- Coming Soon

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Oh boy I sooooooo can't waite for this mod to be finished but hey good things happen to those ho waite......or have a time machine :biggrin: . And you mentoned thet maybe after the relase of this epic mod (serously man this mod is epic so far it's like a unoffical DLC for skyrim) you will do a few side mods for it like a oblivion like arena (I loved to bet my money on random npc to beat the living crap out from other random npcs or bet my money on me to beat random npcs by my self :devil: ) and maybe a new guild thos information spys. I woud LOVE to have a guild like thet I always loved to play as a stealted character but the stealt centered guilds in skyrim are meh I mean I love the thifes guild ,but not realy like the hole "maffia family" feeling compared to the oblivion one but still hase it's charm the dark brotherhood on the other hand....I always hated them realy I simpely disliked the idea of a assassin guild worshiping a god. It woud be okay if the memebers woud worship there gods they chose but nooooooo the DB hade to be a cult like guild so I always did everithing to destroy them so thet group of cut troat maniacs are out of my proffesional assassin carrier. So wiht you spy guild it woud be a welcoming change for me and it woud be the closest to be in a assassin like guild (hey sometimes you nead to kill a guy or two to get the intel) and don't nead to go to the worship the dark god kinda guild which the DB offers.


Oh btw befour I forget AWSOME MOD KEEP UP DUDE!!!!!!!


Great! I'm glad you like the mod! For the expansions I'm putting in groundwork for them in the initial release so they are still there but there's just not a lot to do in them.


For the arena I'm going to make it so that you can spectate but you cannot compete or bet money yet because the arena is too run-down and the fighters are pretty much just bloodthirsty warriors not interested in money. The expansion will allow the arena to be restored and for the player to compete/bet in.


As for the guild I've already started planning the estline expansion and adding the hideout. The faction will be joinable in the initial release, but like the arena, it is old, run-down and in need of restoration. There will maybe be one quest in the intial version that sets up the storyline for the expansions, when a new threat arises that the guild have to stop.


And regarding the guild itself,it shares many features and themes similar to last years' game Dishonored, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The faction's main motive is the wellbeing of the people of Rochebere, not generally as a whole, but more defending people's freedom and liberties. Things like preventing slavery, kidnappings, rises in crime etc. Despite this, very few people even know they exist. Kind of 'Guardian angels' in a way.


Therefore, this makes their guild a cross between spies (to gather valuable information) and Assassin's (to neutralise targets). However, the methods you choose for Assassination's can be decided by you, the player. His is where the link to Dishonored comes in, by the way. If you choose to go into missions killing every target brutally and maybe even sacrificing innocents, this will lead to a rise in aggression and ruthless behavour from the guild, and a darker end to the faction's questline.


On the contrary, should you choose to find non-lethal ways to neutralise targets, then this will make the guild even more honourable and noble, and a lighter outcome.


Hope you like the sound of this!

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The City looks really good, New settlements are always a good feature to add to the game. ;)


Thanks! It's great that you like new settlements, since you will love Rochebere when it's eventually released! :)

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This mod looks amazing! I LOVE the Wattle and Daub with frames architecture and felt that it was lacking in the original Skyrim. I am working on a mod which totally changes Morthal and another one which changes Solitude so that they look more medieval. Morthal looks like Bree from LOTR in my mod! I can't wait to play my mods with yours! The city looks stunning, and the voice acting is on par with the original game! Edited by MarmotaMonax
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This mod looks amazing! I LOVE the Wattle and Daub with frames architecture and felt that it was lacking in the original Skyrim. I am working on a mod which totally changes Morthal and another one which changes Solitude so that they look more medieval. Morthal looks like Bree from LOTR in my mod! I can't wait to play my mods with yours! The city looks stunning, and the voice acting is on par with the original game!


Amazing! I love LOTR so I look forward to the finished project!


this is soo awsome! hats off to you i almost cant belive how cool this is i cant wait!


Thanks you! Unfortunately I still have no idea of release dates though.

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This is a remarkably ambiguous project, the fact that you’ve stuck with it for so long is nothing short of miraculous. The look of the city, and the feel I get, is somewhat similar to that of the Worgen City from WOW, that of an old, yet more “civilized” them what you would generally find in the rest of skyrim. Like the first sign of them starting to step out of the dark ages :) I eagerly anticipate the release of this grand work. Now for a minor suggestion, you might already have do it, i didn't read trough this thread to closely, but I figure it's worth a mention, and it is Music. Dunno if it is possible, but an unique score playing when inside the city could be cool. Dunno if this is to be an enclosed city like the great holds like Whiterun and Solitude, or like a normal town like Riverwood. Anyway, great work so far.
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I really like the way this mod looks and I really want to help, maybe I could help you with the houses? You know, add different colours and such. I also want to help with voice acting but, you know, puberty. :confused: :wallbash:
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This is a remarkably ambiguous project, the fact that you’ve stuck with it for so long is nothing short of miraculous. The look of the city, and the feel I get, is somewhat similar to that of the Worgen City from WOW, that of an old, yet more “civilized” them what you would generally find in the rest of skyrim. Like the first sign of them starting to step out of the dark ages :) I eagerly anticipate the release of this grand work. Now for a minor suggestion, you might already have do it, i didn't read trough this thread to closely, but I figure it's worth a mention, and it is Music. Dunno if it is possible, but an unique score playing when inside the city could be cool. Dunno if this is to be an enclosed city like the great holds like Whiterun and Solitude, or like a normal town like Riverwood. Anyway, great work so far.


Fantastic! Glad you like the mod. As for the the soundtrack, I've managed to sort out some custom music for the city already- the author for of the Fantasy Music Overhaul mod pointed me to some of the soundtracks he had included in his mod.


I really like the way this mod looks and I really want to help, maybe I could help you with the houses? You know, add different colours and such. I also want to help with voice acting but, you know, puberty. :confused: :wallbash:


Suggestions and feedback are always welcome here! They help me to redefine my work and make it better. If you ever had any suggestions on things I could do to improve I'm more than happy to listen!

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the only thing stopping me from asking to voice act for yours and other big name mods out there is that my redneck hick accent just doesn't cut it for the job. unless you happen to have an npc that needs that kind of thing? haha, suppose not :P looking forward to the release.
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