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[LE] Rochebere- A brand new city- Coming Soon

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Looks very professional, like a DLC. Keep it up, bookmarked.


Glad you like the look of the mod! Thanks for keeping an eye on this.


if i were you i would use an reskinned version of the armor on that image for the guards, even though i think the guard armor posted with shield looks great, then this would look even better and i could put the eagle logo on it so fit the shield and banner in the shield on the chest.. :)


been looking for a way to make that type of armor the default hold armor aswell, but i havent found a ways since i basically suck with th CK.


I'm considering using the Witcher 2 meshes for some of the guards, but I'm not quite sure yet. Still thinking... :thumbsup:

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if you have any other things you might want the eagle on just give me a pm and i will send you the psd file..

If there was a HD cloak/cape mod i would consider making a version looking alittle like the flag for your guards, though im still looking for a good way to make the current cloaks added by cloaks of skyrim HD.. but everything i've tried ended up looking weird..

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Lots of new screenshots for all of you today!


Market areas





Streets of Rochebere






The Crucible




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You are very talented, I started to do my own big castle and if it goes well I might do a small city myself and I am starting to see what those big city/island mod makers are going through. This will be on my list on release for sure :).
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This mod looks astonishing, I love the medieval/dark age building style. Did you make this mod by your self, just wanting to know?


Thank you very much! I've made everything you see in the mod myself, with the exceptions of the armour sets by Frankdema, the new banner style by kwn2k and the models of the market stalls and statues from this mod by Runspect. So apart from those three things (And Voice Actors of course) I've made everything in the mod myself.


You are very talented, I started to do my own big castle and if it goes well I might do a small city myself and I am starting to see what those big city/island mod makers are going through. This will be on my list on release for sure :).


Why thank you! I'm glad you've taken an interest in following Rochebere, having people who support my progress is always a great thing to have. :)


I look forward to your castle mod too, by the way!

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Looks amazing, and just what Skyrim needs!


Any ETA whatsoever?


Sorry about the massive wait, I had no idea this comment was here! I'm hoping Summer-time, but not too certain at the moment.


Anyways, I have updates for you! Got a video here showing the super-sneaky entrance to the Guardian's hideout.




You can also listen to more updates on Rochebere at the end of my Skyrim mod Informer weekly by clicking here!

Edited by samv96UK
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