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[LE] Rochebere- A brand new city- Coming Soon

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So I was curious, I know that you have said the town is a small part of a much bigger future game that makes skyrim look like crap. I wondered as of your most recent update on your game, how much is completed in the grand scheme of things? And I was curious about if the game is going to be around the same amount of gameplay hours as we have all put into skyrim? Looking forward to the game.


Not sure where I said it was a 'game', because that would be incorrect. However, it is still a very large and ambitious project. What I'm hoping to do is release Rochebere this Summer (End of August-End of September) and then two expansion packs to the mod after this.

The first expansion pack is a questline for the Guild of Rochebere, the Guardian's, which you can join in the initial release of the mod but there are no quests. This expansion will be released about 6 months after the mod is first released (End of 2013-Start of 2014).

The second expansion will continue the story from the questline of the main mod, and will be conclusion to Rochebere. It will be around about a year after the initial release (Late Summer 2014).


So overall if you count the two expansions, the final mod will have three questlines (around the same length as the Bethesda questlines) and numerous side-quests. In terms of landmass size, Rochebere is nowhere near as large as Skyrim, but the beauty and uniqueness of the city and Countryside will hopefully make up for it.


Let me know if you've got anymore questions!


Is this still active?


I have and enjoy Syerscote.


Yep, this is still an active WIP. Unfortunately I don't have loads of free time to work on the mod at the moment though- I'm studying for my final exams. But come the 10th of June, I'll have nearly three months to do as much work on this as I need, in hopes to have it done for that long awaited late-summer release!


Glad you enjoyed Syerscote too!

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Hey! looks lovely. can't wait for it to be done!

one suggestion however:

rotate the image on the shield 90-ish degrees so the image will be upright when being wielded in combat. that way it will look consistent with the other hold shields.

an example:


otherwise, this looks like it will be a great mod.

i'm gonna try out syerscote now too!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What's up, Sam? Hope your exams went well, I know how GREAT it feels to have them behind you. I just got through reading this thread, and I've got to commend you, you answer practically every comment and/or question.


It's great to get ideas from others, as the more ideas that get bounced around the better the end result, but I have to kind of laugh at some of them even when you are too kind to do so. It reminds me of past programming projects at work. They start off with a set of concrete goals and expectations, and a deadline of course, and you say, "Sure I can do this". Then everyone wants to see your progress and it begins......."that looks awesome, love it......BUT could you add this, and add that, and change this", etc....etc...etc....and the damn project never gets finished because of constantly shifting goals and added features. A project to design a simple, efficient, & elegant letter opener, becomes an inefficient, unwieldy, & bulky, swiss army knife instead.


I can't remember how many comments I saw saying, "Can you add X, and maybe add Y, and possibly put in a quest where obtaining X & Y would cause Z to happen? Oh, and BTW, when will it all be finished? I can't wait". LOL Sometimes you just have to stick to what you have planned, finish it, and then you can entertain additions and expansions. Because constant additions, changes and expansions lead to things never being finished. I've been there, and done that. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. But you have the enthusiasm, energy, and patience of youth on your side, I'm glad it's you doing it and not me, haha.


You keep up the good work, it's really looking awesome. With those exams behind you, things will go much easier. Of course you can do things however you wish, but I'd advise you not to try and add every good idea that comes along in the first version, save some ideas for future updates, otherwise you'll find the summer is over and you still aren't finished. Don't forget, there will be the inevitable bug fixing to do too, and those three months will fly by before you know it. :thumbsup: Good luck, and no pressure, but we're all counting on you! haha

Edited by Bundy714
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, first off i just wanted to say that this mod is by far a mod that I am checking on. I cant wait to try this and am very impressed with evrything I have seen so far. I had one question though. Have you released a version of this mod as of right now. Thanks for doing all the hard work

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Hey everyone! First off, sorry it's been such a long time since the last update. I've been pretty busy but I've got quite a lot of free time now so I can post more regularly again if you would like me too! I'm jetting off on holiday for a fortnight on the 5th of July so I may be slow at replying to any questions during that time. Other than that, I just want to say thanks for bearing with me and still being exited about the mod! It's great to have you guys around to support my work. :thumbsup:


One thing that I've decided to do due to the size of the countryside, and all the various districts added together, is to give Rochebere it's own world map. It's still very much a work in progress, and admittedly looks a little shoddy at the moment. However, I'm hoping to make it look a lot better once it's complete. I'm torn as to whether or not I should show you the map so far or keep it as a secret so it's a surprise when the mod is released... what do you think?


Let me know down below if you think I should show the map of Rochebere to the public or not!


Hey! looks lovely. can't wait for it to be done!

one suggestion however:

rotate the image on the shield 90-ish degrees so the image will be upright when being wielded in combat. that way it will look consistent with the other hold shields.

an example:


otherwise, this looks like it will be a great mod.

i'm gonna try out syerscote now too!


I think I actually rotated the shield a little while back... but I'm not too sure. I'll check! Thanks for letting me know! :)


This looks phenomenal. Can't wait for it to be finished. Just an idea, but if you know how you may want to add a follower or two. Most, if not all, of the vanilla holds have at least one available follower.


Yeah, I will be adding a couple of followers in Rochebere, since it's a pretty huge city!


What's up, Sam? Hope your exams went well, I know how GREAT it feels to have them behind you. I just got through reading this thread, and I've got to commend you, you answer practically every comment and/or question.


It's great to get ideas from others, as the more ideas that get bounced around the better the end result, but I have to kind of laugh at some of them even when you are too kind to do so. It reminds me of past programming projects at work. They start off with a set of concrete goals and expectations, and a deadline of course, and you say, "Sure I can do this". Then everyone wants to see your progress and it begins......."that looks awesome, love it......BUT could you add this, and add that, and change this", etc....etc...etc....and the damn project never gets finished because of constantly shifting goals and added features. A project to design a simple, efficient, & elegant letter opener, becomes an inefficient, unwieldy, & bulky, swiss army knife instead.


I can't remember how many comments I saw saying, "Can you add X, and maybe add Y, and possibly put in a quest where obtaining X & Y would cause Z to happen? Oh, and BTW, when will it all be finished? I can't wait". LOL Sometimes you just have to stick to what you have planned, finish it, and then you can entertain additions and expansions. Because constant additions, changes and expansions lead to things never being finished. I've been there, and done that. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. But you have the enthusiasm, energy, and patience of youth on your side, I'm glad it's you doing it and not me, haha.


You keep up the good work, it's really looking awesome. With those exams behind you, things will go much easier. Of course you can do things however you wish, but I'd advise you not to try and add every good idea that comes along in the first version, save some ideas for future updates, otherwise you'll find the summer is over and you still aren't finished. Don't forget, there will be the inevitable bug fixing to do too, and those three months will fly by before you know it. :thumbsup: Good luck, and no pressure, but we're all counting on you! haha


Yeah, it sure does feel good not having anymore exams! :D Often I am open to small suggestions when it comes to the mod, such as adding such-and-such an NPC, or maybe a certain reference or small quest. Other than that I try to keep focused on the main goal, but it is indeed hard when I hear a good idea and I want to add it into the mod. However, most of the time I'm my own worst enemy for that, as I can't recall the amount of times I've changed an area, altered the questline, added new NPC's, made the city bigger etc. etc. :P


I was actually thinking yesterday about the sheer amount of things I'm going to have to finish quickly if I want to get it done by the end of the Summer/start of Autumn like I've been promising. But like you say, there's always time for expansions and add ons later.


Thanks for the support anyways! :)


Hey, first off i just wanted to say that this mod is by far a mod that I am checking on. I cant wait to try this and am very impressed with evrything I have seen so far. I had one question though. Have you released a version of this mod as of right now. Thanks for doing all the hard work


Hello! Unfortunately, I haven't released any versions of the mod to the public yet. I'm considering doing a small closed Beta nearer the time of the release, but I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on that as time goes on.

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You should consider having a team of test-runners go through this and report any bugs or blank spaces in dialogue. Just to make sure the mod is flawless at the time of the release.

Otherwise this looks great; you have a lot of potential and can probably release loads of expansion packs with 5-6 small quests in each one after the initial release. Small ones like a valuable historical artifact was stolen and you have to track down the thief who fenced it into Skyrim. Then after you have the thief imprisoned you have to go on some wild goose-chase across Skyrim tracking it down. And once you have it you are given the option to sell it to the Thieves Guild and get a large sack of gold, or return it to the Jarl/Steward of Rochebere and get a slightly smaller sum of gold in addition to good reputation with the people and the guards.

I just made that on the spot so I'm sure you will be able to pop ideas out fast or even take some of the suggestions of your supporters.

Edited by MyThumb
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Mmm, this looks brill. Sounds like great writing and the environments look really nice. Look forward to playing the end result!

As a side note; your next trailer could definately do with some music. It'd add so much to an already epic piece.

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You should consider having a team of test-runners go through this and report any bugs or blank spaces in dialogue. Just to make sure the mod is flawless at the time of the release.

Otherwise this looks great; you have a lot of potential and can probably release loads of expansion packs with 5-6 small quests in each one after the initial release. Small ones like a valuable historical artifact was stolen and you have to track down the thief who fenced it into Skyrim. Then after you have the thief imprisoned you have to go on some wild goose-chase across Skyrim tracking it down. And once you have it you are given the option to sell it to the Thieves Guild and get a large sack of gold, or return it to the Jarl/Steward of Rochebere and get a slightly smaller sum of gold in addition to good reputation with the people and the guards.

I just made that on the spot so I'm sure you will be able to pop ideas out fast or even take some of the suggestions of your supporters.


Yeah, like I said in my last post I'll probably do something like this nearer the release. I'm not going to lie, I still haven't put a large amount of the quests/dialogue in yet, I'm trying to completely finish ALL the level design first so I can focus entirely on one thing at a time. Thanks anyway!


Mmm, this looks brill. Sounds like great writing and the environments look really nice. Look forward to playing the end result!


As a side note; your next trailer could definately do with some music. It'd add so much to an already epic piece.


Thank you! The trailer did originally have some epic music to it, but I had to remove it due to a copyright claim that would have affected my channels' standing. For the original experience, you could try playing the song "Forces of Destiny" by Two Steps from Hell at the same time as the trailer. It may not be perfect, but you'll get the idea!

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