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HD Video Capture of Skyrim: Minimum requirements?

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Hello, I have a problem.

Whenever I attempt to capture game-play of any graphically intense game like Skyrim or EVE my FPS drops to 3-6 and this is frustrating to me. My goal is to be able to put videos on youtube that are 1080p and as high quality as youtube will allow. I want the videos to at least have 30 fps.


-Relevant Information-

OS = Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

CPU = Intel Quad-Core i7 2600k

RAM = 4012mb (4000mb usable)


PSU = CP-G880 (880W)

MOBO = MSI P67A-C43 B3 Military Class 2


Nothing is overclocked or overheated, all temps are below 52c


Capturing Software: FRAPS or CAMTASIA (Same problem with both)

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idk anything about video capture and the like, but your hardware doesnt seem like it would be the problem.


perhaps its the fact that your using a 32 bit OS? im not sure if that would affect video capture or not, but it might slow you down because your capturing in high def and the 32 bit OS cant process that info fast enough? its the only thing i can think of, but i could be wrong. maybe that has nothing to do with it.



also idk how much RAM recording in 1080p uses. its possible 4gb isnt enough? if thats the case, bumping it up to 8 would help, but then i think you would need an x64 OS anyways to use all of it. again im just throwing out possible problems. i cant guarantee im right, as idk anything about video capture. i hope someone can swing by and tell you whether im right or not, and if not, know the solution.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Well at least with windows 7 you do not NEED a 64bit version to use up to 128gb of ram.

The game isn't even at max resolution when I attempt to capture. I don't know, something seems fixed when I look at all these pc gameplay videos on youtube that have great fps.

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Video capture severely stresses any system. Generally you need a special card and a separate system if you want to do it in full quality.

Some settings can be adjusted in video capture to reduce the strain, generally you want as low a quality as possible, since youtube quality will be lower still.


Well at least with windows 7 you do not NEED a 64bit version to use up to 128gb of ram.
Still do.
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I capture at 480p and my fps in Skyrim dives from 50 to ~27, and my specs are in my sig. I just thought you might want to compare. My specs aren't as good as yours, which is going to make the performance loss worse for me, ofc. Edited by Rennn
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What card would I need to capture Skyrim at max settings in 1080p? How much RAM would be needed for that?

You would need dedicated hardware to do it w/o performance loss. It's expensive, don't even bother thinking.


Your real goal is probably just youtube videos, so drop the resolution down to 540p or 720p - remember, youtube compression is so bad that you won't even have 540p level of detail in the final picture - and keep the settings from getting too high.

If you want the youtube video as 1080p, capture in 540p (960x540, need to add custom resolution) and then upscale it to 1080p in video editing software. The end result will not be as good as 1080p throughout, but better than youtube SD.

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Thank you for all the great advice.


I think I understand now what I need to do.

Recording in real time basically at least doubles the load on the system so I think I just have to double what my system can handle.


I shall get 16gb of ram and a better video card. As far as I can tell a better cpu wont make a difference because gamebreo can only use up to 2 cores natively.

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Actually the CPU is going to make a lot of difference. It's what does most of the encoding work. Ideally you could look into LGA2011 and i7-3930K, but it's a lot of money for a marginal improvement over 2600K.

4GB of RAM is too low however, you want 8GB.


Also, you need a fast drive to store the recorded video and the temporary files on. Using 16GB of RAM, setting aside 6-8GB of those for a RAM drive, and doing all your recording there, should help.


And work with the settings, use minimum compression, low quality, fastest encoding you can get. Don't bother with 1080p, it's excess details that will be lost on youtube anyway. Take 720p - then upload it as 1080p, there should be little difference in quality, but a lot in FPS.

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