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Godrays cause pixelated edges even on Ultra.


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I know pixelated edges around characters an objects is a common symptom of godrays at anything below ultra quality. But for some reason even if I use Ultra, that symptom still remains. My ini's aren't read only, the value change takes, I just see absolutely no difference in-game. I've looked it up but I have yet to find anything. I know god rays are a resource hog anyway, even if it worked right I wouldn't be sure if I'd keep it depending on performance, I'm just the type that needs to know when something isn't as it should be. I'm on an AMD card, an R9 280, but again I've found nothing describing this same issue.

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That mod is actually why I wanted to try the Ultra setting in the first place. Unfortunately that doesn't have any affect on my base issue though and that's finding out that no matter what I set god rays to in the launcher (or the Fallout4ConfigTool for that matter), in-game, it appears as if the actual quality has not changed at all. I have it set to ultra right now but in my game visually it looks like low to medium at best. And again my ini's are reflecting the value changes, its just not happening in game.

Edited by SacredKnight81
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Sure thing. I'm playing at 1920x1080. I'm using at the moment BethINI, but this issue is present for me even with a basic ini set up customized only by the default launcher. I've attached those ini's and my load order. Thanks a ton for taking a look. Its definitely an odd issue so I understand if you can't help but I appreciate the time nonetheless.



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Try disabling your ENB to make sure it is not the Enb that is causing Pixelation


simply Move the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files out of your fallout 4 root folder to completely disable the enb for testing purposes.


and dxgi.dll if you have Reshade also


also try without the mod mentioned above.

Edited by Guest
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Noticed that in your Fallout4.ini, under [General] you didn't have sStartingConsoleCommand=bat Godrays

which is required for the godrays mod to work (alongside the .text file in the mod that you manually place in your Fallout4 directory)


Aside from this, I didn't notice anything in your .ini files that stuck out as a likely culprit. From your load order, the only thing that caught my eye was ENBLightsHDRPatch.esp, though I'm not familiar with/ don't use ENB Lights Overhaul so can't state if the lighting changes it impliments are affecting godrays.

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Still at a loss. Got rid of ENB and also the ENB Lights Overhaul to test but still the same results. Ultra god rays, but ugly pixilation between all objects (its at its worst through foliage, just godawful like its on Low). But to everyone who tried to lend a hand, thanks so much for taking the time. Very much appreciated. :)

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