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how to create a quest?


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Man do I wish but i can't afford that Program :unsure: I was also going to say Morrowindfiles.com has some minor Tuts from dragonsong on it under the tutorials section (left hand side main page) and he does small scripts there to start you out.
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Depending on how difficult a quest you want this to be, it does not necessarily involve scripting - you can do most things through the dialogue editor.


Make your NPC and the quest item, if it is a new one.


Start off by giving your NPC a greeting which introduces the quest topic via the AddTopic result function.


Create a journal to monitor the progress of your quest


Add dialogue for your quest. You can use the dialogue editor to check whether the player has the item the quest is about in the inventory.

Make sure you add some dialogue to finish the quest off - like 'thank you for helping me with this, %PCName." - so you don't get the same quest over and over again.

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How do you "... use the dialogue editor to check whether the player has the item the quest is about in the inventory."




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Guest Guest
You could put something like this:


If ( player->GetItemCount "The_quest_item" >= 1 )

Journal "Quest" 10


That's just an example.

OK, will give it a try. For some reason I thought

you could not use "if" statements in dialogue,

and had to resort to scripting.




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You can't use if statements in the dialogue editor - but there is an item check function.


You can set it in the conditions for the response - check the drop down menu which gives you function, journal etc.


Select the 'item' function, select the item you want to check for from the list, and select the condition you want to check for eg...


Item Gold_001 < 100



or Item My_Unique_Item = 1


the response for this condition will only be given if the player has the correct amount as well as the correct item


In the results field for that response you can then update journals, remove the item etc



This does not work for filled soulgems, though - for those you do need a script.

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