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bodieinsd - BANNED

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bodieinsd banned.





You want to know how much I love this???


I will castrate whoever designed, and whoever green-lighted this electronic abortion, with a plastic spoon!


Ban me m'fers!!! This (Vortex) is not ready, and it has rendered my NMM inoperable by breaking the archive invalidation. I have NO way to now start a modded FONV game. With a 2 day old FO3 ($20 to Steam for a game that won't run without TTW) for tale of 2 wastelands.


So yes, castration with a plastic spoon.


Thanks for ruining a perfectly servicable mod organizer, and foisting this steaming heap of feces on us. And thanks for 5 HOURS (and counting - it hasn't progress an iota in that time) of watching it crash EVERY TIME a mod is activated or de-activated.


Yeah, a plastic spoon. And a boot to the head for anesthetic.


I stopped caring the moment you mentioned physical violence. Grow up.

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