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CTDs far more frequent using Vortex (Skyrim)


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For the most part, I'm really liking Vortex; it even eliminated some of the niggling little minor mod conflicts I was having with other mod managers. I can live with the load screens taking longer, but there is one thing that irks me to no end.


Skyrim LE is CTDing far more frequently than it did using either NMM or MO. I've checked my mod rules, and organized my mods, but I''m still having the problem. Any suggestions?

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It is hard to troubleshoot without knowing the specifics.


I have a Skyrim SE installation with ~150 plugins, experienced crashes, and was able to track down the culprit step by step with Vortex's assistance (and fix the issue in the end).


I would start by trying to isolate what causes the CTD for you. Is it entering a certain cell, or is it a certain action you do in the game etc.

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Yes, it's more likely there's a conflict or error somewhere in the game setup than Vortex causing it. I have ~612 mods installed (with merges etc) and it behaves fine.


I have a repeatable crash but it's not related to Vortex, using specific settings in "Classic Classes" is making my game crash near Falkreath, but again not a Vortex problem :)

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