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Skyrim contains Morrowind and Oblivion


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If there is still anyone on Nexus who doesn't know that Morrowind and Oblivion are also loaded whenever you load Skyrim, and you can walk to those huge land masses from Skyrim, then you'd better check this out.


The unanswered question is "Why are those land masses there?" It's great to have them there, but why? Is it just for modders, to build mods that enable you to go back to Morrowind and Oblivion? Or are they for a future planned DLC? Or is it just so you can see them in the distance from Skyrim?


You have to toggle clipping in order to walk past the barriers of Skyrim and back to Morrowind and Oblivion, for now, but of course you won't have to when someone builds mods and quests or DLC in those places.


Anyone know why they are there? Whatever the reason, it's an exciting prospect, isn't it!

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As stated above. It's wrongly scaled, and contains no real detail.

It's there only for a distance view.


And no, they are not bringing back Oblivion or Morrowind.

That would:

1) Be about 5 years of developement, for little profit. Maybe even no profit.

2) Pretty much crash your computer every time you tried to load the game, due to the constant-running scripts, and loading the CK would kill your computer as well.

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I wish that they create a TES that contain all Tamriel.

Maybe my wish its close to be real, or not.Who knows?


One thing:did you get the work to get there man? Its a far way to travel man.

Maybe i can try sometime. Thanks, i never been there miself, the TES Skyrim is my first of the TES games. :biggrin:

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I wish that they create a TES that contain all Tamriel.

They have, it's called TES: Arena and it's the first ever TES game.

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It also could be either:

a) Another 11/11/11 Dropped Content issue ...That may have been the gate/border you were walking through/crossing in the beginning of the game when you were caught/pick up by the Imperials


b) It's just some random crap that was created during production by the staff at BGS, like the content in that video that was doing the rounds just after Skyrim was released, of stuff the devs created in their lunch breaks but was never implemented in game.

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When this was first brought up the consenus was that those areas are there purely for distance view. there are a few peaks you can get ontop of while pretending you are mountain goat and see those lands. It would look bad if there was no land where there should be and at great distances you couldn't see if there was something on that land.


The open gate is thought to be for future DLC to expand in that area. Not sure what else it could be except they forgot to put the gate in like the closed ones in the other passes. So i go with the other theories.

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I wish that they create a TES that contain all Tamriel.

They have, it's called TES: Arena and it's the first ever TES game.

Man, how i already said, Skyrim is my first TES game.

What i mean is that i want a new game, a new TES that contain all Tamriel.

I heard that they will launch a new TES, and its called ´´The Elder Scrolls Online``, and i heard too that in this game,

you can travel to all the places. :D

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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BGS will probably never make another TES game that houses all of the provinces. Maybe because doing one province at a time will keep the series going strong, and then after all provinces have been visited then the devs can make more games set in other provinces at a future time period so that we see how this world evolves. Or maybe, instead of having another Fable, which I don't think TES would even turn into even if future games shown advancement in technology. Honestly, I think the games would be rather unique if they take this on because Tamiel is going to have to start advancing if the Devs continue making games that are hundreds of years in the future. That's all my opinion though, and I welcome any and all constructive criticism that someone may like to add when viewing these ideas.



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Eldar Scrolls Online will be all known locations and a smattering of never really explored since Morrowind. 3 regions only made into a badly made MMO. If they include pre morrowind games they will be shooting themselves in the foot. Morrowind, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim will be featured. All else is expansions and future eldar scrolls games. Thats my theory...


MMO games require careful balance between each class. WOW does not have balanced and it is the standard everyone says. Bethesda SP.. balanced is not close to being in the complaint paragraph in a positive way.. Sheet they cannot get SP balanced much less the the thousands of variables for PvP.


Patch #6 for Skyrim mucked up more than it fixed. patch 5 was a disaster. hmm MMO patches need to work everytime or take long enough to really test before release rather than 2 weeks with minor changes to the patch and no real fixes for what it breaks. Until Bethesda start doing some real quality control... MMO will not be there game.


I would love to see one but Bethesda i dont think can provide.

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