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Cool mod combination and a big THANK YOU!


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I've just discovered the coolest thing in the world.

What I've discovered is an effect caused by four mods working in tandem

1. HighRes 4k CBBE Nude Female Re-Texture Mod by Khajitsree

2. Sexy House Vendors by Phearme

3. Extendible Followers Framework by Expired

4. Extendible Followers Framework Mind Control by Expired


Phearme's mod puts a beautiful female NPC in your house that has 28,000 gold and 999 of every GOOD alchemy ingredient and none of the crap. I cast Mind Control on this NPC with Expired's mod, which turns any NPC into a follower, and then, with EFF, set her default apparel to none, which makes here nude. Set her to passive (because Phearme's NPCs are set to a very high level and they break the game if you don't) and essential (won't die). I now have a gorgeous, nude store following Lydia and me around with 28,000 gold at my disposal, along with access to her inventory of cool alchemy ingredients.


It's like seeing new colors. Completely different tier of Skyrim. Khajitsree, Phearme, Expired, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!


Edit: Misspelled Phearme's name fixed:

Edited by Skrazull
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