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Re-appearing rubble pile (AWOP)


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I'm working on the AWOP update and was playing through The Redoubts when I stumbled into Hidden Valley bunker from the Redoubt only to find that the rubble i moved ages ago is back. It blocks access to the bulk of the room.

Not sure why it's back. In GECK everything is in the correct position.

I ran a conflict filter in FNVEdit which found 1 other mod which edited that area. I removed the mod but the problem persists.

Can't see any other mods that would obviously effect the area.

Am I missing something simple here?

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Did you toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" after removing the offending mod, and start a "new game" test? Sounds like the game engine still is using the BSA asset instead of your plugin's asset. Even though it appears unrelated, others have found the toggle to be needed in some circumstances.



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Yes the toggle is definitely something to look at.

But my experience was that you made an edit of an .esp of those terrain statics.

So then both .esp versions persist , rather than a relations ship with .esm to .esp

With the later overwriteing the former.


The fix is to make the master .esp an .esm with the x-edit tool.

Not sure if you can perform the switch back to keep it fixed though ?

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Thanks for the advice,

I tried toggling Archive Invalidation and starting a new game but the problem persists.

Checking the area in the ESM file it looks fine there too, so it looks like it copied over from the esp ok.
This has not been an issue before and I have been through that area loads of times without converting the esp which I use for edits into an esm as mentioned above (other than the main esm that gets uploaded)

I'll give it a try later if need be. Will FNVEdit work?, I've changed files to esms in the past with it.

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Appreciate you reporting the solution. However, while I would like to add the information to the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article for future reference, I'm afraid I don't understand either how the "ONAM" problem occurred or the implied solution. Would you (or Roy) be so kind as to expound a little? Or is this something that is too esoteric for that article?



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ESM for F3/NV (All plugins have ONAM now for the newer games) need to have ONAM in the header in order for overrides to work. When changing a plugin from .esp to .esm you need to load it into FNVEdit and mark any record as modified and then save it to rebuild them.


It depends on what your workflow is, some people merge with FNVEdit (my method), others merge with Plugin Utility (not advised), and larger projects use version control mode of the GECK.The issue crops up with converting an esm to esp and back for whatever reason, generally this is because of the workflow the author uses. Generally you can use Power Up to edit ESM directly in GECK and not deal with the drawbacks of merging via other methods, but they have their advantages as well because GECK tends to make dirty edits or unwanted edits to certain record types.


I'll be doing my best to address GECK's problems with GECK Extender, new release is pending which replaces Power UP entirely, and will continue to be developed to add features and fix bugs when possible, eventually I want it to be as good as CKIT Extender from shademe for Oblivion.

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Thanks (as always) for the helpful information. Don't want to drag this out, so if the subject is covered in the "Tome of xEdit", just point me to the appropriate section, please. But as is often the case, some new questions arise. (Sorry about hijacking the thread.)


Using the experimental xEdit (v3.2.82) I see that when ONAM is empty it doesn't show up because of the default "Hide no conflict and empty rows" setting in the "File Header" ("right-click" in the right-hand pane to bring up the option), which is the case for older "ESM flagged" ESP files (such as "PN-Rebalance" or "PN-Cyberware"). I presume people are going to need to know how to add this ONAM data if they want to create a patch for similar older files.


When you say "mark any record as modified" are you referring to any record in the "ESM flagged" ESP that you are renaming to an ESM extension that is subsequently edited, or that is different than any record of any "master file" of the plugin? Or do you mean any and all records with a "yellow, green, or orange" background in xEdit?


How are such modified records "marked" so the ONAM record is rebuilt?



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