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Melee Combat Gone Wacko


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After 1.6 came out I started playing again with a few new mods as well, and my melee combat is . . . interesting. Sometimes I will do the animation for drawing/sheathing my sword and my stance will change but my sword will either disappear or stay in my hand. Other times I will just go into the default position, arms held away from sides, legs straight, etc, and just glide around. And if I do get everything to work then sometimes I'll do an insta-attack where there's no animation but the hit sound plays and I do damage. It's very flow-breaking for someone that plays constantly in third-person, and I was wondering, is it a problem on my side (incorrectly installed mod, etc) or with the 1.6 patch or maybe a conflict between 1.6 and a mod. The only mods I can think of that might make this happen are Dance of Death, Bloodier Combat, and Killmove+. DoD was the only mod installed after 1.6, and all are via Steam Workshop, if that helps. Edited by Meandmine
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I tried disabling DoD and Killmove+, separately and together, but I still have the same problems. I don't know of any other mod I have that modifies animations.


EDIT: I removed and reinstalled every animation I could find (I had more than I thought) except for catwalk, now it works. Thanks so much.

Edited by Meandmine
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