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[WIP] Travel To Cyrodiil


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The Empire is on it's last legs, Cyrodiil has divided into city states. Cyrodiil is falling apart at the seams. The Imperial City is all but destroyed and the elder council is corrupt and for the most part ignored, The legion rules in all but name now.


Enter TRAVEL TO CYRODIIL. (part of the Beyond Skyrim collaboration)



We intend to recreate the vast province that is Cyrodiil (you may remember it from such titles as Arena and Oblivion). However this won't be the blissful and happy Cyrodiil that you remember (it was blissful and happy so long as you ignored all the Daedra that have decided to use Cyrodill as their new playground) from Oblivion, instead the province is in chaos, wars have scared the once beautiful countryside and the population are scared for their lives.


We intend to release the mod in sections slowly building up to the full provinces, we will be starting with Bruma and the surrounding areas as it is the closest to the border of skyrim.


You can find our forums, where most of our news will be posted, here http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/206-travel-to-cyrodiil/. If you are interested in joining us then just log in and post in the relevant forum. Hope to see you there! :)



Edited by deamonata
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Great can't wait to see what you can do with it. Oh and tell AndalayBay to hurry up with Skyrim Xp i'm going crazy lol! j/k I know he's working on GECKO - SAD FACE Edited by donker316
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Great can't wait to see what you can do with it. Oh and tell AndalayBay to hurry up with Skyrim Xp i'm going crazy lol! j/k I know he's working on GECKO - SAD FACE


She's working on Gecko ;)


OOPS! My bad lol! a 1000 apologies.

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This. Will. Be. Epic.


Just please make sure it is compatable with things like moonpath to eslwyre and all the other really popular mods.


Our main aim is to be as compatible with as many mods as possible, however our main aim is to be compatible with the other mods from the beyond skyrim group, which includes most of the provinces (including elsweyr)

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Sounds like a very interesting and expansive mod! Hope everything turns out good during development, I can say in almost full certainty I will be downloading this mod when it's out.



I was hoping someone would create Vallenwood but any other landmass is more than welcome.



Actually, I am planning to make a Valenwood landmass as my next project, once I have finished Rochebere (My other mod).

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Actually, I am planning to make a Valenwood landmass as my next project, once I have finished Rochebere (My other mod).



If I happen to learn the whole process of 3d model making, rigging, importing, implementing by then... you'll have me by your side bro!!! I could always add some ideas as well. :biggrin:

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