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Vortex is completely blank white upon opening


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I can't even use the program right out of the install. Everything downloads and installs fine, but the first time starting it up left it frozen and now the window is completely white every time I try to open the program. I've reinstalled the thing three times now. What gives!? How the heck do I make this thing work??

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A small number of users are reporting this issue, however we're not yet sure what it is causing the whole app to lock up in certain setups.


A suggestion that helped another user was to remove their INIs from the my documents folder and run the game through Steam to rebuild them (if it's a Bethesda title).


Otherwise, if you can provide more detail about the steps taken to get it into this state we'll be able to use that information when looking into it.

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I have been having the same issue.


I configured Vortex to manage New Vegas only so that I could run some tests before I began using it for my other Titles.


Leading up to the issue, I installed an ENB, NVSE and the 4gb patcher.


No mods esm's or esp's


then I loaded the game and got through the Doc Mitchell scene and stepped outside, all was well so I closed the game and opened Vortex.


Vortex came up and I poked around for a while, seems pretty cool. I should note here that I did load the game via vortex, it ran great, again, no ems's or esp's


At this point I was ready to start installing some mods so I went through the instructions for changing the deployment method


That's when things went sideways.


After clicking install on some Mod, the screen when white and each attempted load after that gave the same behavior.


I re-installed vortex several times but no luck.


Then I read the response above from Pickysourus about removing the INI file, so I tried that, but it didn't work.


However, In order to reset the system to the state it was in when I began, I removed the ENB and NVSE and reverified my game cache with Steam, while doing that I noticed some new files in my New Vegas folder with the extension *.NAM


So I deleted them and re-ran Vortex. it worked!


Vortex came up, it already had the adjustments that I'd made to the Deployment method so I didn't need to change that.


then I re-installed ENB, NVSE and the 4gb patcher. All is well.


I also noticed that those .NAM files never came back.


Short version


Verify game cache

Remove .NAM files if the exist

restart Vortex

load the game without Mods to verify the fix

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