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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Vlad stopped, looking to Cathy he says. "Not..a good idea, we are people we are not capable of taking on those men without casualties lady, and I am afriad..I dont want to be dead by the hands of a man wearing crimson." He then behidn his shoulder estimating the time on how long it would take to get to the Mart. he then looks to Cathy and says.


"if..if you really want to get us killed for something like the tenpenny tower right now I understand that it is of more of a strategic point for them. But taking them on with some plan that is unpredictable within the process is suicide." He then sighs.

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Cathy signed softly, rubbing one of her temples.


"We won't. Die. Especially not if Vers can perfect my plan. Now, I say Moira, because I happen to know she has WORKING pre-War voice modulators. I can disguise my voice to cound like a man, and I can act as a Centurion. I mean, I'm the only one with boobs out of us. That armor can hide them. Vexilariius or Veteren Armor won't hide them. That's step one. Dress up and disguise my voice."

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"When did i say we were gonna RESCUE Tenpenny? He deserves to die, but NOT like that. I've never been able to come face-to-face with Tenpenny. this gives me a good excuse to take him out MYSELF. Plus, if the Legion's coming here, there needs to be a group of capable fighters to stop them. that's us. and we can get more people together. the Brotherhood can't do it, capable as they are. And if we take out Tenpenny, we can use Tenpenny Tower as our own PERSONAL fortress against the Legion."


Cathy really had this hammered into her head, and was far from ready to budge on it.

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Axelle sat in the dust and straightened out Ferox's fingers, wrapping them in little splints made of sticks and cloth ripped from his tunic. She looked away, "I felt like I owed you one."


Ferox had gotten tired of trying to wriggle free and just stared at the sky. "You think that there's any chance for me, woman?"


Axelle jabbed at his ribcage with a particularly pointed stick, "My name is Axelle Edwards, and I am fifteen years of age."


"I was pinned to the ground by a pubescent female. The shame..."


"Damn skippy."

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Vlad rubbed his head, the thoughts running through his mind. "We aren't a fighting force of an army, we..are not well I am not. I..I gotta go to the Mart, I'm sorry but I have to take care of things before I do this Cathy." Vlad began to walk off to the Mart, his intentions were not to insult Cathy in anyway. Vlad just had trouble grasping the though of being a fighting force, a team of warriors of sorts.


Vlad looked back seeing Zane and Versing with Cathy. He sighed wishing he could help now but he couldn't. Vlad finally reached the entrance of the Mart it's smell blew across his nostrils and Vlad could smell the damned raiders scent. Though he knew they were taken care of, Vlad opened the door, seeing Axelle he approached her and said. "Hey little one.." He looks to the legionnaire and gave him a smug look.


Turning back to Axelle Vlad asks. "Alright, lets set this guy up for some nice chats eh? A nice room up there small and confined." He gestured up towards the east end of the mall, the dusted racks and the rank of death lingering about it. The mart was not anything special but Vlad assumed it was well suited for something else then shopping.

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Morgan stepped outside into the sunlight, all patched and cleaned up neatly, with the eyepatch covering his now empty eye socket and took a deep breath, before he started coughing due to the pain he was still feeling slightly, but atleast it was healed a bit.


He started to walk back towards the mart, a bit eager to see what they could get from the assassin

Edited by MikeRyan
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Zane walked silently, only whistling the tune in his head, trying to block out the girl, or Cathy, and Vald arguing back and forth. It's not that he particularly cared, but he really didn't want to head up against a raiding party of Legionnaires, mostly due to the fact that they really didn't have the manpower, or the weapons to take them on. Even if they did, the Legion more then likely had reinforcements on their way over to reinforce the whole tower. Sighing, still whistling his tune as they continued down the road still. He knew the Mart was quite a bit of ways ahead, but he didn't mind the walk. Not that he minded walking, really. He's been walking his entire life, and he's been so used to feeling the concrete under his foot that it almost has become a second nature to him. Zane was still tinkering with his air compressor when all four of them finally ended up reaching the Super-Duper Mart. The smell of death almost instantly met Zane's nostrils, and he felt his skin crawl. Did they really clear out the whole Mart? He did get his answer, as Zane turned the corner to see the stack bodies of the raiders. This wasn't Zane's first sight at such gore, but it still churned his stomach at the sight. He quickly headed in the Mart following Vlad, not wanting to see the bodies anymore.


Once inside, Vald greeted a female teenager, who was randomly sitting on top of the Legionnaire... for some reason. He really didn't like to see anyone in this sort of state, probably scared out of his mind and hurting. However, he was part of the Legion. Letting him go now would be a death sentence to everyone here. As Vald mentioned to have some "Nice chats" with the prisoner, he felt his heart sink. But before he could say anything, the girl, and Vlad, and disappeared amongst the almost massive rows of shelves. "Right... I'm just going to go set-up my things," Zane murmured, mostly to himself. He decided the most clean corner of the Mart, to set down his belonging and started setting up his makeshift tent that he made. It was made of light Leather, and hides from a assortment of animals. It kept him quite warm during the night, since having a fire was almost a death sentence in the Wastes.

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Cathy put the radio away, having come back, finally, pushing into the Mart. She walked over to the the Legionairre and kicked him aimlessly before jokingly patting the kid on the head.


"We're back kiddo. So. Still got them uniforms around, expectially the Centurion Armor?"

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