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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"That settles it then! I will need someone to help retrieve my things from my 'house'." Dylan looks around, seeing who would accept, his eyes lingering on Axelle.
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Cathy, who through most of this had been asleep, fluttered her eyes open to the new guy, the doctor, just in-time to whitness Ferox's last finger broken -again.- She got up, walking to him and thumped his side lightly with her foot.


"This is just NOT your lucky day, huh? Can't say I've met anyone whose had almost all their fingers broken in less than 24 hours.. Tell me something, Ferox. Two things actually, if you can. Firstly, why does CAESAR hate or treat women like sick brahmin? What is that dudes problem? And secondly, your status with the Legion... You officially split from those creeps, or you gonna join back up first chance you-- Oh, wait, you were supposed to slit your throat, like, 36 hours ago. Scratch that. But seriously, you done with their ways? 'Cause we can probably talk Versing and everyone else who hates the Legion into letting you stay with us, nkwoing you don't believe in their ways."


Cathy turned to access her pack, pulling out an un-opened pack of smokes. Opening it up, she pulled one out and offered it to Ferox.


"You guys smoke? Or does Caesar think it's unholy?"

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Ferox thanked the doctor and then scoffed at the large-breasted woman, "I don't smoke. And not because Caesar says not to, it's out of personal choice. You'd be surprised how much of that I have inside my own mind. I don't know what Caesar is thinking, I don't care because I was forced into this army in the first place, and I can't tell if I want to live or die anymore because you people won't quit prodding me, kicking me, hitting me, breaking my fingers, or talking to me as if I'm a dog long enough to figure that one out. I'm a Praetorian Assassin, as is clear by my attire. I'm not sure if your audio comprehension levels are below average or if it's just useless to tell you the same thing over and over. Maybe you think I'll change my story, I don't know."


Axelle looked over at Dylan and smiled, sticking her tongue out and revealing another piercing with a laugh. "Taking that as a request for my services! As long as Vlad won't leave me behind.... Come on, doggie, let's go! Where do you live, mister doctor?" She tugged at the collar of Ferox's shirt with a giggle.


"Wait, I changed my mind! I like you guys! Don't do this, it's so hopeless! We're both going to die out there!"

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She had a very childish way about her, sticking her tongue out, but not unpleasant. "I live about two miles down the river, toward the old DC ruins. I just need to get a few things from my apartment, shouldn't take long."
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Morgan walked up to Axelle and put his hand on her shoulder "Kiddo, I'm coming with you, I don't wish to be here incase our strange "friend" would show up again, besides my legs need stretching"
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Cathy nodded softly, putting the smokes in her back pocket. She looked at the Assassin, thinking. Eventually, she dug a suit of Leather Armor from her pack and set it down.


"Put this on, Ferox. I mean, if you want. It's pretty clear you're done with the Legion. Why dress like them? but it's up to you."


She swatted playfully as Axelle's hand, as if scolding her.


"now, now, call him by name, sweetie. and, jeez, you have a lot of pericings. I didn't think a child could have one, let alone those."


then she looked to Vlad and Morgan.


"Where ya guys goin'? Was I asleep for that part?"

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Versing tossed and turned in his sleep. He was only asleep because of whatever medical condition plagued him, and his senses were completely inactive, but his mind was its own, sealed-off hub of Versing's memories and dreams. The image of the child flashed constantly through his head at the speed of light. And then, afterwards, his nightmares took a different track. His memories switched to that of the Battle of Hoover Dam. It was only foggy flashes of memory and emotions, but they were all moments of outrage, panic, grief. Dead NCR soldiers everywhere. Four in particular, whose faces were familiar.... But versing couldn't place the faces with the names. He was partially in a coma. He was partially concious mentally, but not at all physically. He groaned in his sleep and rolled over. He wouldn't wake up for at least a day.
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Ferox looked up at Cathy. "Maybe you aren't so bad after all. Thanks." He took the armor and stepped into the empty mart. He changed quickly and offered his old armor to Cathy, "You can use it for parts. A lot of the pieces are freshly made."


Axelle smiled, "And yeah, I have a lot of piercings... I like them, and plus... Some of us hide behind things that make us look tough, you know? We're gonna go on to get some medical supplies... Versing could use them, for sure."

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Morgan nodded at what Axelle said; "Yeah I know what you mean, why do you think I claim that my childhood scars are from a bar fight? It feels a lot better to say they are from a bar fight turned knife fight rather than you getting sliced for dropping food".
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"You are welcome to join us if you would like. Just need to get my things," Dylan said, looking Cathy over from head to toe, "You are definitely welcome, Miss...?"
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