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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"You. Obviously. What exactly is your plan, then, if you're so determined to get it done? I'll only step in to help if everything else goes to hell. Otherwise, you're on your own, here. I may change my mind later." Edited by Flipout6
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"That question has a very arguable answer. Depends what you are looking for. Could be Moira Brown, she's pretty smart. Looking for tactics, or general smartness?" Sandro asks.


Tomoyo had sliced a few raiders, and found her way to Axelle and Sandro. "Sorry, got caught up in killing. No harm done, right?"

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Morgan looked at Zane, looking for an answer


"Tell me stranger, do you happen to know if there is a sawbones around here? I could use some patchhing up"

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Zane frowned slightly as the girl handed him some caps. He really didn't need them now, but he just shrugged and put it into his caps pouch on his arm. Suddenly though, he was met by another man, who greeted himself by the name of Vladimir, guessing that he goes by the name of Vlad also. Though, when he said that he could follow him, he smiled. Glad that he didn't have to travel alone again. "Well, I'm going with whoever is not the crazy people who want to raid that tower. I wouldn't even try it now, just due to the fact that you're probably outgunned, and skilled for that matter," Zane concluded, and walked over standing next to Vladimir, as he was also ready to leave, "I'm ready to leave - Oh, and also I have some more ammo and other supply's from my Scavenging trips, just ask if you need anything," Zane added, as he waited for the group to head out. Zane sighed slightly at Versing's tone about his Prisoner, even though he was Legion, it probably wouldn't help to just kill him off, "Maybe you can get some information out of him, at least. If anything, maybe you can get some Legion patrol routes, since he was part of the assassin team, he must be of some rank," Zane said calmly, but some what eagerly as he was ready to leave.


The voice on the radio suddenly made him glance over at the radio again. It sounded like a Ghoul of some sort, but not a completely rotten Ghoul. He really didn't now how to explain it, but it was a Ghoul, but it wasn't. It really didn't make sense to him, but he just ended up shrugging it off for now. He would probably end up finding out anyways. Zane stood quietly as the both the girl and Versing talked back and forth between each other. For some reason, it was kinda funny. Like a brother sister type of thing that you would see. Still, it was still a stupid plan and they just needed to leave it alone for now, "Look, even if you kill whoever is in the tower, more Legion will come, it is obvious since it seems they want the tower. Or else, they wouldn't have risked people in taking it," Zane said honestly.


Looking at the injured man, he pointed towards one of the nearest buildings, "Doc's there, his name is Logan, but people usually just call him Doc Wonders. For some reason," He replied to his question.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Vlad bit his lower lip, he was on edge and being on edge was odd. He had to get back to the Mart to aid with any sort of troubles, besides men were after him and he was getting nervous. It was the next day and by now Malcolm has sent a myriad of mercenaries after him and on the downside..Malcolm knew his trail and only way to get into "Safe Haven" or..whatever they called the base of operations. he looked to Zane and smiled when he did.


"Glad to have you on board Zane, I assure you this will be fun..well dangerous..but in some terms fun as in dangerous."


Vlad, who was pondering on Cathys question said.



"Uh..uh..I'm not sure, but hey i'm going to run." He waved then began down the road towards the mart.

Edited by boneless1
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Newly-promoted Centurion Junius Cornelius heard over the radio that Caesar had already had reinforcements on hand for him, two cohorts of Legionairies. He had done his homework, apparently thinking out the entire process. Then he read Junius' file, and decided that they could rely on him, and he had definitely proven Caesar right. But two cohorts! nine-hundred and sixty men! That meant that Junius would have six other Centurions of equal or greater ability and competency than him, which was really saying something, and almost a thousand men at their disposal. They were fully supplied, so food wouldn't be an issue, and a massive water purifier in the south-eastern wasteland had made sure the water was fresher than the water even in the Colorado. They had just enough space to support all the men, with some extra space out in the courtyard for tents, if need be. A man spoke to him over the radio.

"The reinforcements will reach your locaton today or very early tommorow. I trust you have everything organized, Centurion." Junius was scrambling his people to make space for these two cohorts, and to make plans for the conquest of the Capital Wasteland. He intended to work behind the scenes for a little while, capturing a small settlement here, establishing a camp there, eventually dominating the entire Wasteland and going right after the big cities. Megaton, Rivet City, even the Citadel would eventually fall to the might of the Legion.




Versing began to follow Vlad. he highly doubted that the Prisoner would talk, being the Legionairie he was, but he supposed he could try and beat something out of him. After all, that man had tried to kill him.

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"goddammit, wait up!"


Cathy yelled at the two, chasing back after them, still on her Radio.


"Well, Sandro, IF THESE IDIOTS WOULD SLOW DOWN, I was referring to Moira. If ANYONE can get what I need to pull this off, it's her. Now I want a show of hands, or voices, who's in? I know it sounds like a suicide mission-- SLOW DOWN YOU D***S! --But, trust me, it's a lot easier than it sounds, especially if we can all be quiet, and I know we can-- WILL YOU TWO SLOW DOWN. JESUS."

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Versing slowed his pace a little.

"What's the plan, then? I'll blow the whistle on any flaws I see, so that you can at least have a better chance at fixing them."

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Zane smiled and nodded toward the injured man before he limned off towards the Doc's office. While he himself, turned around and began to follow Vlad and Versing to the Super-Duper Mart. He figured that they must have cleared the Raider infestation there. It was a good effort, but sooner or later they will have more Raiders come by. They all meet at the Super-Duper Mart, as it had always been a safe haven for Raiders. Well, mostly a safe haven. Finally after a few minutes of walking at a bit of a fast pace he caught up with Vlad and Versing. Once again, he found himself whistling the tune on the radio, with his steps and the thuds from the crossbow in tune. Hopefully, they didn't mind the tune. It had always helped him make time go by faster, and for some odd reason, made a sense of comfort for him. Thought, as he was walking, he took off his crossbow and began to tinker with the air compressor on the side of it. He knew that the Metal was fine, but he always had to check the compressor for dust and other blockage so it didn't send the arrow in the wrong direction, or worse, not fire at all. Zane stopped whistling for a moment and looked at the two men, "I hope you don't mind my whistling, it's just helps me pass the time by," He said, before he started up again. Zane laughed slightly as the girl tried to catch up to the three of them. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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