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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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"Even with the successful elimination of the Legion forces in the tower, there are still hundreds, possibly thousands of Legionairies on their way to reinforce the Legion prescence here in the Capital Wasteland. And the leader will be keeping in touch with the men out in the field, and probably a few superiors. If the radio goes silent for even a day, and even if the voice modulator perfectly emanates his voice and act as if nothing is wrong, they will suspect something, speed up a little, and go into the tower looking for anything, anything at all, that's out of the ordinary."
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"That's it! Vers, you're a genius! if we plent the C4 UNDERGROUND and use a Detonator with an increased frequency, we can destroy the tower from underground, and the collapse will block all the-- Wait.. What about those explosives that can gutt he inside of things. I can't recall the name.. But I know there's a type that, if detonated underground, will simply gut Tenpenny Tower and leave a a hollow, standing shell in its place. And even if i didn't destroy the entireity, anyone on the top floor would have no way of getting down without kill themselves."
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"Without any structural support on the interior, which will be the case if the interior is destroyed, the tower will collapse into itself anyway, and then the toxic chemicals problem rears its ugly head. Besides, what happens to everything within the tower? It will vaporize, leaving, once again, smoke and chemicals. And THEN the tower collapses into itself. The entire area will be poisonous, and the living space for the people in the wasteland is lost." Edited by Flipout6
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Morgan nodded in agreement at Versing, thinking that this guy knows a lot more about boom boom than he first thought.


"Easiest thing to do would be to try and ambush a patrol, capture them and talk with them"

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"Patrols when they have perhaps fifty men, at most? This force has to have been small enough to go undetected by both the Wasteland and Tenpenny tower before they took it over, and they'll have lost men in the invasion of the tower in the first place. They won't throw men out into an unknown land to look for dangers they don't understand, especially when they have little to spare. Look, I know everybody wants the Legion OUT of the Capital Wasteland, me included, but even if any of these plans worked flawlessly, the reinforcements will be here in mere days. Actually, probably within the next two days. Legionairies are fit and fast, and we're not far from Legion territory even IF Caesar didn't have them on standby, prepared to dash right in as soon as the Tower or some other settlement was theirs. On the way here, they have to sleep somewhere, too. They'll have sleeprolls for everybody and probably tents, too. So they'll be perfectly well off even without the tower. The tower just adds fortification and removes a settlement for them to take over. The fact is, it wouldn't matter a whole lot even IF we managed to take out the tower. The tower and the force currently occupying it aren't the problem, it's the reinforcements that Caesar is sending. Even the Brotherhood of Steel can't hold off a thousand determined Legionairies with dozens of Centurions at the helm. There are six Centurions high-ranking leaders- per four-hundred and eighty Legionairies. And I've seen Centurions before. They all patch their armor together with pieces of armor from the enemies they kill. I've seen so many with pieces of power armor on them you'd wonder if them and the Brotherhood have waged world war. The Citadel would fall within days. And if they can't get access to Rivet City when they inevitably attack it, they'll just build a bridge to it." Edited by Flipout6
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"Well then do either of you have a plan that either destroys the tower and says we mean business, or gets us into the tower to take it over, and use it as our own fortress?"
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"No. A thousand or more Legionairies would re-take the tower within minutes, anyway. It's best that we leave it alone, especially if all we're going to accomplish is killing Tenpenny. The only thing I can think of that would hinder the Legion is to free the slaves. But they fit them with explosive collars that will kill them, much like most slavers around the world and the ones at Paradise Falls, and in the event that we freed even half of them, the Legion would capture other people within the Wasteland and from Megaton to replace those slaves. So it's best, for the moment, if we don't touch the tower. we can't take down the reinforcements, either. If there's anything we could do to combat the Legion, it would be killing Vlad's assassins and getting into that armoury. Top-notch rifles, explosives and Reinforced Combat Armor would do wonders for us if we get into a fight with the gentlemen in Crimson, and it will do the same for any allies we gain along the way." Edited by Flipout6
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Vlad walked up to the group gripping his shoulder, a grunt sounded from him. He was listening to the three speak the plans of tenpenny tower.


He finally reached the three and said, "Alright, listen..your plans are great but it will not stop them from sending more of them, all you will be doing is showing off and that no doubt will anger those legion guys, no matter how much of a fortress you have, or how much explosives you create they will keep coming you can't stop expansion with just um..six or seven guys with guns..we are not some tactical genius team its suicide. But i know this isn't a democracy do as you wish."


Vlad hated the idea of doing anything that would anger the legion, he had a disappointing look about him plastered all on his face. Sighing heavily he then says.

"i'm going to chat with Leo, don't get yourself in a heap of legion trouble." Then walked towards the hallway.

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"On top of every other reason NOT to piss off the Legion yet, there's another one." Versing concluded. He was glad that Morgan and him had managed to shut the operation down before it started. Cathy had gotten way ahead of herself without doing any planning, an option that could get them all killed, and an action that had gotten others killed before. The Great War was such an example, the States and China didn't think about the damage it would do, they only thought about killing each other, much how Cathy was thinking about the Legion. He exhaled with relief, and then said

"I hope you're not going to come up with any more ideas like that." He said. "The only war that was ever won by rushing into things was the Great War, and the only side that won there was Death."




The reinforcements had nearly arrived. But for the mean time, A troublesome group of raiders had gathered outside the gate. They didn't seem to notice that there were two long, straight rows of crucified Tenpenny Tower residents that acted as a path to the front gate, but they were shooting at the walls and one even tried to throw a molotov over the walls. Junius didn't order anybody to engage them, because he was going to kill them himself. He took the elevator down for swiftness' sake, and then had the main gate open for him. He strode through before the raiders could charge in. The "leader" of the group tried to intimidate him with a baseball bat.

"Hey, get out of our way! We OWN this tower now! Its OURS. Now let us in, we want your booze, we want your women."

"The only women in there are our slaves, and Caesar's Legion doesn't use chems. Your precious "booze" has been destroyed." Junius replied coldly. He decided that he would start collecting pieces for his Centurion armor right here. When Caesar said "armor", he meant the helmet.

"What? Bulls**t! Your hiding it so we can't have it! GET HIM!" The raider looked high and drunk on twenty different unidentifiable substances. Junius leapt into action.

Pulling his beloved spear out from its holster on his back, Junius jumped into the air and thrust it through the chest of the most heavil-armed raider, who was using a nearly-broken submachine gun. The Legion would repair it and make use of it, as soon as Junius gave it to the blacksmith of his group. The raider screamed and dropped the gun, but stood. Junius grabbed his neck and pulled him into a chokehold, before yanking his arm at the right angle and force to snap the raider's neck. There was a snap, and his head twisted at an awkward angle as he dropped like a stone. Junius speared the only other raider with a gun (A 10mm pistol.) through the forehead, and kicked him off the end of the spear. The rest of the raiders were disposed of in seconds. Junius placed one end of the spear under his arm, and swung it to the side, slashing a raider's throat before he even reached Junius. he grasped his neck and tumbled into the dirt. The second-last one swung at him, but Junius wasn't there when he finished the blow, and a spear flew up into his ribs, and into his lung. The leader swung his baseball bat at Junius' head, only to have Junius bend backwards and dodged it, before thrusting the steel spear into his heart and killing him instantly. Junius didn't even watch him fall. He simply walked back into the tower and put his spear into its sheath once again.

Edited by Flipout6
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