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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Placing the charges unseen had been almost too easy, the pass was perfect no way around for miles and nothing but sheer rock walls on either side. the biggest problem had been deciding to wait for them to fill the pass or blow it before they arrived. the sounds of the trapped dying and the wounded where testament to the right choice having been made. the big bad legion crying and screaming like little children mewling for a lost mother.


"why did they bother sending us... a team of rangers could deal with these poorly trained cannon fodder."


with that she re-engaged the suits stealth mode and walked off in search of the deathclaw killer, for some reason she couldn't stop wondering if he was dead yet. saving him from the power armoured mercenary had been a waste of ammo on a non essential target, but for some reason it felt not altogether right to let him die.

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Axelle kicked at the wall of the room she accidentally locked. She had no idea that the room was rigged to only open from the outside by some Raider. How was she supposed to know they replaced the doorknob on this side with a metal plate, anyway?


She had given up and untied Ferox ages ago. Looking over at him with an exhausted and hopeless cast to her features, she sighed, "Well, we're going to starve to death in a supermarket. Sweet move on my part."


Ferox pulled his ear away from the door and mumbled, "They want to use C-4 on the tower. It's suicide."


Axelle's eye twitched, "Explosives? Are they nuts!?" She paused for a moment, "What else?"


He looked over at her, "Looks like I'm going to be killed. I am of no use to them."


"Not if I can help it." She banged on the door with all her strength and screamed, "Vlad, wait! Let us out! Ferox has surrendered! We want to go with you!"


Ferox raised an eyebrow, "Why did you not yell for help before now?"


"I don't do well with crisis situations, okay?"

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Versing turned to Cathy.

"I'll have to take you up on the paint job offer later." He rose his voice a little to hopefully get the attention of the others. "I'm going with Vlad in a minute. But the Legion might not just barrel straight in. It's possible that they might attack Megaton next, but they won't go from Megaton right to the Citadel, that would be suicide. What they're likely to do is take out the small settlements first, and establish a sort of ring surrounding DC, and then move in, squeezing them tighter and tighter until they all suffocate, for lack of a better description. They'll set up camps in gaps in the ring. The pattern will be a little camp here, take down a little settlement there, and then they'll systematically take down the towns going from smallest to biggest. Big Town, Megaton, then Rivet City, then the Citadel. But first, while they're establishing the ring? The Republic of Dave. Canterbury commons. Arefu. Girdershade, even Little Lamplight, whose residents will be forced into slavery. Canterbury commons will also cripple the caravans and the caravan routes, so resupplies will be that much harder to get. Once they have the ring, they'll rest up a little before they start to squeeze. They've done it in the Mojave. At first they just set up Fortification hill, their base and where Caesar currently resides, and bull-rushed the Dam, pardon the pun. But after we beat them back? They established camps, they took Nelson and Cottonwood Cove. They conquered the 87th tribe. They're preparing to attack the dam. They've learned from their first engagement. Just keep that in mind. The only reason they took Tenpenny Tower was for a fortified, defensible position. That's NOT the order they're going to attack things in. Now, I have to go after Vlad. Don't get yourselves killed." He walked out the doors and stood beside Vlad outside.

"They're going to get themselves killed." He muttered.

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"Uh.. Alright. Axelle, did you yell in there? something going on with Mister Woman-Hating Octopus?"


Cathy waved to Versing as he left, walking back and forth in front of the room Axelle was in with Ferox, occassionally beating on the crumbling wall.

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Vlad lit a cig, taking a long and calm drag then nodded. "I know, that is what pains me. Anyway, I havn't seen Axelle...oh I forgot I showed her where to hide..i'll be right back." Vlad rushed back in the Mart then down the eastern hallway, he say Cathy doing something but went to the door. "I got a better solution." He knocked on the door and yelled. "Hold on Axelle!" Vlad stepped back, then kicked the doorknob as hard as he could, it snapped right off and with that the lock.


He saw Axelle and the prisoner then said. "Are you alright?!"

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Versing was already aiming his new assault rifle at the Legionairies head. Axelle said he had surrendered.

"Good, that means he won't fight back."




A messenger scrambled into Junius' room.

"Centurion, the reinforcements shall be delayed by approximately twelve hours." Junius nearly clocked him.

"WHAT?! What happened?"

"Somebody placed charges on a bridge, and brought it down on them. There have been approximately 65 casualties, and only 10 of those survived." Junius swore.

"Understood. Your are dismissed, Legionairie." The messenger walked out of the room. Junius hopped on the radio.

"What is this about somebody bringing a bridge down on our troops?" He squaked into the radio.

"The reinforcements will not be delayed long, thankfully. It is possible that the group responsible is the Brotherhood of Steel. There is also a very small possibility of NCR involvement, but that is doubtful."

"I'll prepare for it, just in case." Junius stroked his chin. If the NCR was about to get involved, things just got a lot more complicated. The campaign to surround DC with Legion-controlled land would have to be accelerated. The day after the Legionairies arrived, Girdershade would fall. Canterbury commons would fall. Until then, the fortifications on Tenpenny Tower would continue.

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"coulda just told me to do that, Vladdy-Boy. so Woman-Hater McOctopus surrendered eh? Tell me somethin', Ferox. what DO you have against women? Mommy issues?"


Cathy sniggered at her own, cruel joke, whipping a cigarette out of her package from her pocket and lit it.


"Vers! I got an idea!... And, I'd offer you a smoke, Axelle, honey, but you're a kid. you shouldn't smoke."

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Versing kept pointing his assault rifle at Octopus' head.

"What's your idea? Mine is to go with Vlad and take down Malcolm, after I put a lump of lead into this guy's skull."

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"Hey. don't. I'll tell you when you can off him. I've got some questions about the Legion first. You go with Vlad for now. but, my IDEA--"


She cut herself off to inhale some smoke, puffing the lung killer out in a ring again. This, for some reason, made her cough like a motheryou-know-whater.


"Dangit.. Anyways. you said you wanted to remake your armor Centurion style, right?"

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