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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Sandro wandered through the remains of one of the back rooms, discovering an old box with a lock on it. Figuring the Raiders must have taken it from someone and never got around to opening it, he takes a look at the lock. "Hmm too tiny for a screwdriver and pin, I wonder.." He searched around some more, and stubbed his toe on a loose floorboard. Ripping it up, he finds a smallish key and some other things someone didn't want found. He tries the key on the lock, and the little box opens. "Well, would you look at that! A pipe, some tobacco, and a few other things! I call dibs cause I found it!" Sandro smiles, hugging the box to his chest. He finds among the drugs and other things under the floorboard an old pocket watch. He hands it to Axelle. "Here kid, you may like this."
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Morgan walked over to the good doctor, again extending his hand "It seems like we just never get to introduce eachother huh doc? And if I'm going to travel with you, I'd love to know your name"
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He took up Morgans hand for an introductory shake, "It's Dylan, and as I recall yours is Morgan Hollister. Pleased to meet you. I have heard about some old world tech that could help with that eye problem there."
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Sandro remembers his grandfather showing him how to pack and smoke a pipe, and getting yelled at by his grandmother for doing so. He smiles, and packs the pipe. Thankfully, the box had a bunch of matches. Striking one on the side of his shoe, he lights his pipe and breaths out a smoke ring. "I remember my grandfather smoking one of these.. Kinda.. waitaminit!" He examines a small tarnished plate on the inside of the box. "I'll be, it IS my grandfather's! 200 years, that thing's been missing, it's in great shape! How the hell did it end up here?"


Tomoyo sniffs the smoke coming from Sandro's pipe. She smiles, as it reminds her of the herbs her own grandfather used to smoke, except he rolled them in paper. Seeing as Sandro was as old as he was, it fit him to a degree.

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Morgan shook hands with the good doctor Dylan "A pleasure to meet you doc. And don't worry about the eye, I want to keep it this way, as a reminder of the day I took down a deathclaw with my knife" Edited by MikeRyan
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"Well, if you ever decide you want a powerful roboteye, just tell me, and we will hook it up." Dylan stood there thinking for a bit, and finally said, "Do you really think it is a great idea to leave here with that... creeper on the loose?"
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"Something tells me that that soldier is just trying some kind of scare tactic. But yet she is curious on our movements. I'm pretty sure that our past battles have attracted a lot of attention"



He put some thoughts into his words and then nodded to himself

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After shaking the Doctor's hand and wandering around a bit, she had decided to walk around the store, scrounging whatever she could. She eventually set a rather large, almost full sack down near the door, wiping sweat from her brow.


"Hope y6ou kids appreciate this. I think I jsut cleaned outt he frickin' store and every dead body in here.. Feel free to look through the sack for ammo or supplies you need. I already took all the 5.56x45mm rounds, but there's still 5.56's for Versing's R91 among others. Plenty of Shotgun shells if you're gonna keep that Sawed-Off, Roughface. And I know there's a good amount of MF Cells for your Rifle, Tomo. Now I need a smoke."


She walked a bit away from the sack, pulling a smoke out of her package and lighting it. She then turned around, setting all her guns on the counter behind her, preparing to clean and repair them with some of the crappy guns she scrounged.

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As his nightmares continued to rage on and on, Versing's coma-thing began to fade a little, until it wasn't there at all. By now, he was just asleep. He had recovered, and it had taken less than the day that he thought it would. Yet he remained fitfully asleep, his mind flying high with nightmares. And the image of the child..... the child....... flickered through his mind constantly. After about five minutes of twisting and turning, he opened his eyes, and sat up quickly. He felt dizzy for a second, but sat there for a minute and eventually it cleared. He was drenched in sweat, and very thirsty. He was breathing heavily, a reminder of the nightmares he had suffered. He stood up, having trouble balancing, but eventually gaining it. He would be back to normal in a few minutes. Until then, he grabbed his back, which was lying on the floor beside him, and downed an entire water bottle in one gulp. He would refill it at the river. He slung the straps of the backpack under each arm, and then grabbed his assault rifle. It obviously wasn't in the best condition, and could use some maintenance, but even as it was it wouldn't break any time soon. He would clean it later.
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Sarina walked towards the center of the city, supposedly their was a brotherhood of steel base nearby. if she could find it she might be able to "aquire" some power cells to charge her suits reserve and main power, as her main battery was almost drained and her backup would only last a few hours. she was also running dangerously low on ammo for her assault rifle having used most of it ambushing the legion. there where plenty rounds left for the rifle but that was a long range weapon useless for cqc maybe she would get lucky and find a weapon that wasnt 300+ years old and rotten, but she wasnt holding her breath for that.


suddenly a barrage of gunfire pounded the area she had just been standing. ducking for cover she looked around for who was shooting at her. it was a 5 man team of .... mutants. every one was heavily armed with either a mini gun or lmg, the one hanging in the back... had a rocket launcher. she popped her head around the base of the wall she was hidding behind and fired her assault rifle at them 6 rounds left the barrel before the empty magazine warning went off and the gun ran dry. "Damnit" she exclaimed and popped the last clip she had into the gun. 30 rounds and the gun was just an over priced paperweight now.


looking to see if the bullets had at least done some damage she again peeped around the corner only to see that all she had done is wound the lead mutant and piss him off royaly. more minigun and lmg rounds slammed into the wall and concrete shredding her cover just as she managed to jump behind an over turned bus. Sarina set the gun to 3 round burst and pulled the trigger two more times at the lead mutant actually managing to drop him this time but she wasnt sure if he was dead or just hurt. the return fire from his 'buddies' was intense then everything went silent. the pop and whoosh of the rockets engine igniting let her know why.


she flew impacting a nearby wall and going right through it landed in a heap in the basement of the building. the alarms in her suit brought her back to semi conciousness. "warning power systems failure" "generator core breach imminent" "warning 90 seconds to total systems failure, recommend ejection of power core immediately", she did just that ejecting the suits main and backup cells from her back she watched as they began to hiss and melt the sand they where on into glass. she had to get the hell out of here now!


it wasnt until she tried to stand up that she realized how injured she was, broken arm, fractured collarbone, and a dislocated knee with a multitude of small bits of shrapnel embeded in her. she was pretty sure she was bleeding internally also. snapping the knee back into mostly correct alignment she tried to drag herself up a set of nearby stairs and outside, then she heard the mutants dropping down into the basement looking for her. 'boy are they in for a surprise" she though, she dragged herself as far as she could not knowing how much time she had left she climbed int an open personal fallout shelter and tried to close the doors as best she could. there was blood everywhere if she couldnt stop the bleeding soo she was dead, hrmph she was likely dead anyway she thought. with that she passed out.


the explosion of the powercells was just short of the effects of a fatman going off in a closed room it vapourized the mutants and most of the building also bringing the rest crashing to the ground. trapping the radiation underground and minimizing the debris.

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