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FCOM - merged mods not marked in WryeBash


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As the title says: Having created the bashed patch for FCOM (without any other mods) I noticed some of the mods that were to merge (like Frans.esp..., I definitely did not forget to mark them while configuring the bashed patch) got a green background (indicating they are mergeable), but neither the "plus" nor the "dot" indicating the merge (no check, no change after restarting WryeBash, the system or recreating the bashed patch). Does the bashed patch include these mods nontheless now?


Thx in advance (and sorry for bothering you again with a new topic...),



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Highlight the esp in question, there will be text at the bottom of the window telling you the mod's status.


But it sounds like the patch did not sucessfully generate. Did you get a popup at the end that listed everything in the patch?


If not, look for another window hiding behind the main, it's the error log. Should point you to the problem.

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Thx a lot for the quick answer.


I had a look at the bash report - all seems to be fine. When I opened the launcher the last time - oh miracle - the symbols were back (whyever..)


But here comes the next problem (sorry): FCOM is stuttering a lot (what a disappointment) although vanilla (with quite a lot other mods) had been running very well. Ok, I'm just playing on a notebook, but nontheless:


I got a core i5-450M 2x2.4GHz,

4,00 GB RAM

Nvidia 310M video card


What would you say, too weak for FCOM or another problem?


Thx again for your help,



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You're definately overtaxing your hardware, but here are a few things that will help;




4gb patch - note, you must have a 64bit OS for this


Dedicate a USB device to ReadyBoost - wiki link


In your antivirus software, set Oblivion as a trusted application, and set to not scan files on access.



Beyond that, there are some good ini tweaks, and lots of performance mods, but this should get you started.

Edited by eric31415
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It's marching!!! Especially that readyboost (I've never made use of before) is kind of magic, almost all stuttering has gone (-; You are making my day.


But...(sorry again for my lack of knowledge) there is one disturbing glitch remaining (definitely the last thing I hope): All of my shadows (not the louche self-shadows that I have deactivated) are extremely flickering, light and constantly dis- and reappearing (they get a bit more visible, but not stabler when switching off the shadow filtering). By browsing through previous threads, I found out it was a well-known glitch cleared with the SI 2.1 patch. My problem now: I actually have my game patched, the glitch seems to have returned after the FCOMization. And so again I hope for your help (-;





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Sorry, not much experience with OB's shadows. I never liked them, and deemed them a waste of resources. Disabling them in the ini was one of the first things i did. If you still want more performance, i'd recommend dropping them.


But for that last little bit of stutter - OSR


Edit - just saw the vid, really wish i could help, that looks awful. You should start a new topic with that, so someone with knowledge of the issue might see it.

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There was a thread recently (within the last 3 or 4 months) on this same problem. Can't remember if a solution was found or who the poster was. If anything bubbles to the surface in my brain I'll update.


- Edit - I'm not sure if the topic of the thread was the shadow flickering or it was a thread on another problem that 'migrated' onto the shadow thing (could make it harder to find).

Edited by Striker879
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