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Removing GUI in screenshots


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How does one do it, so the shot is not spoiled by the crosshairs and compass bar? Tried to search, but it isn't working tonight.
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Open your console, that's the tilde key just left of the 1 key, and type tm then enter, then the tilde key again to close the console. To get back again just repeat the process.




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Thanks, Rabbit 51. I figured out that you can also go to Settings in-game and reduce HUD opacity to 0, but that's a bit of a pain. The console command works better, though it's a bit spooky since the console itself disappears


I'm obviously new to the game. Where can I find a list of console commands and what they do?

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I personally like the following for using console commands. It is user friendly which will give you some confidence when first learning to use console commands. I suggest printing it out as it is only 17pgs. Be sure to read the General information given in the beginning.








Another way to accomplish what your wanting is with this Mod by gopher;

Immersive Hud






With this Mod installed you will be able to toggle them off in-game without the need for console commands. Plus I prefer to only have the Hud/crosshairs on the screen when I wish to use them. Otherwise they just yuk up the beauty of Skyrim.

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