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Where to look up bandit IDs?


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A moments ago I randomly picked a bandit IDs by typing help bandit & spawn them to find out they're 1 handed female bandits in fur armor. Then I looked up more & found there are a lot more IDs that got to do with bandits. I want to know, is it possible to look them all up in the game files? If so, what program is best to use?


By the way I'm not a modder.

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If i remember well, the "help" command uses the names, not the IDs. Am i right?


If you open the CK loading Skyrim.esm, and then search under "actor" you'll see around 50 different bandits IDs, but they have the same name.

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The creation kit would be what you're looking for.


Download it, open it and then go to the top left corner (I don't remember what the button's called) and load in the 2 default files which are skyrim and update I believe. Then you can browse in the content browser or search with the filter "bandit" under the "all" category

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If i remember well, the "help" command uses the names, not the IDs. Am i right?


If you open the CK loading Skyrim.esm, and then search under "actor" you'll see around 50 different bandits IDs, but they have the same name.


Wow thanks, it took my pc like 15 minutes to load them all up. Thanks a lot :biggrin:

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In the inventory tab you can see "inventory" and "outfit". Their outfit is the armor the wear. If in the inventory you see a green box, that is a leveled item. Double clicking on it will show what item you'll find depending on your level.
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In the inventory tab you can see "inventory" and "outfit". Their outfit is the armor the wear. If in the inventory you see a green box, that is a leveled item. Double clicking on it will show what item you'll find depending on your level.


Still can't find their outfits, all I see are weapons, lockpicks, golds & random loots, the only thing with armor word on are shields. Do I need to load more files or something? Does the errors I got while loading the files are also factors too?

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