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no 'DATA' file


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C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data , should be the location of your data folder. It isn't one of those things that are created by a user, its where all your meshes, textures, sounds, esms, etc are located, so it should exist if you can actually run your game. Make sure your looking in your program files\steam folder, not your documents\my games, which seems to be the case if you can see the saves folder. =P
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0.o Yeah, the installer should prompt you to register the game through steam and then you'd be taken to your steam account and see the normal steam install process begin there... It would be odd if that wasn' the case (you need Steam to run the game).


Anyhow, are you looking in your My Document's folder or Program Files? ....That seems to be your issue if your not suffering from a falty install.

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C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data


Paste that into the top bar when on any of your computer's interface windows. Your documents\MyGames\Skyrim folder's just where your saves and some ini files are located. The program files one's where everything else game related is stored (and if your installing mods you should make a shortcut on your desktop just for ease of access).=P


Just go to the Steam website and click sign up and install steam, or whatever variant of that's there. Though when you run Skyrim it should be through Steam, so there should be a Steam shortcut and folder if you've ever played Skyrim before. 0.o

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