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Vortax has issues being portable, so I uninstalled, then...


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I'm not sure what you're asking here.


"Vortex has issues being portable" - What issues are those?


If I read your post correctly, you removed Vortex and launched the game afterwards, then your game crashed. If Vortex isn't installed anymore it can't possibly be to blame.


With more details, I'll be able to help you troubleshoot further.

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Ok, did a damage control, had to uninstall a portable. (Weird) But working forward. Thanks though. Will report as I go. ;)

I know, I know, I take "portable" for granted. so don't put my head on a stick. XD

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I'm not trying to put your head on a pike, so sorry if you got that impression.


If you have legitimate concerns about the software please do let us know.

Stop that, I did not say that, I was having fun with the issue.

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It appears you have made a number of posts/threads describing the same issue. I am therefore closing this thread here and leave the other one open: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7091741-vortex-stil-just-crashing/


That being said, it would be expedient if you could provide more information, as Pickysaurus had requested, so we can properly investigate the issue you are experiencing. Thank you.

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