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I have no legs...I have no legs...I have no legs...I have no legs


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Good Afternoon Everyone,

My adult female Drow no longer has calves after saving the game with a pair of Relentless Dragon Slayer Boots on. (from Deadly Dragons). I saved my game outside my hideout and upon loading the game at a latter date I noticed I no longer have calves. My boots are showing fine as is the rest of my body; my boots are empty though. What happened and how can I fix it. I'd be happy to read something if I could be pointed in the right direction if this has been covered before.


Thanks All,


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well the answer is probably simple, but bad: odds are, the boots aren't modeled for female characters, therefore it shows up as invisible for women, unlike your character which is probably male


if your character is female, and it works fine: see if there is a way to add the models to other races so that any race could wear the boots

its also a good idea to ask the mod creator a few questions about who can and cant wear it

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