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CUSTOM NPC wont equip shield and i dont know why


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just got donr creating a new custom monster based on a human skeleton boneset and i hes using the sword i dropped in his invtory but not any of the 5 shields ive gave him. just holds his arm up like hes blocking with that. anybody know what the crack is here?


Edited by AlphaWoIF
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yeah, the shield is actually part of the armour category in a sense, so you want to add the shield through the outfit tree..


in other words, object window --> Outifts --> create new outfit or edit existing outfit --> add desired shield --> Press ok/Save.. --> go to npc actor then the inventory tab --> select thee edited or new attire (the shield should be in the right box next to the outfit list)


and voila!!


if that is not the case, it is most likely a meshing error of somesort, did you combine mods with tesnip? maybe there may have been an error there

Edited by Dhegonus
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yeah, the shield is actually part of the armour category in a sense, so you want to add the shield through the outfit tree..


in other words, object window --> Outifts --> create new outfit or edit existing outfit --> add desired shield --> Press ok/Save.. --> go to npc actor then the inventory tab --> select thee edited or new attire (the shield should be in the right box next to the outfit list)


and voila!!


if that is not the case, it is most likely a meshing error of somesort, did you combine mods with tesnip? maybe there may have been an error there

would never have thought of it working like that , thank you very much for filling the black for me Dhegonus:D its much appreciated. as i hate these little road blocks.

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