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Help (maybe) first mod upload did i do it right ?


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I just uploaded my first mod but my knowledge of modding,pc's or nexus is minimal (just upgraded from a ps4 to a brave new world on pc ) . It changes the perk tree to 10 star in every perk, its called : The 770 perk overhaul, i think, errm whisky has been drunk :) . So a) can it be found in the search, b) is the explanation understandable, c) Will it break peoples games i really hope not c ...oh and should i post this here as hmmm.

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Yes it shows up on the main mod page.


As for your description, since you asked for opinions on it here you go: for something making that large of a change to the game by overhauling the entire perk system I'd need a bit (ok a LOT) more detail before I'd try something like that.

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*this mod increases the maximum number of ranks for each perk to 10, instead of vanilla's 4 ranks, thus greatly increasing the challenge of the game, this is ideal for those that want a hardcore fallout 4 experience."


is the description i would use :wink:


its an interesting idea, and should be a good mod for those that want a self imposed challenge.

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