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Need help with these models


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Hey everyone.


I recently downloaded "Simple Knit", and am having some issues. Here is an image of what Vilja looks like wearing the knit. (Click the word here for the link)


As you can see, the body is unusual, i'm sure you have seen this many times before, it shoots out and goes everywhere.


I do have the requirements met, because I have HGEC Body, and Coronerras'Maximum Compatibility Skeletons installed.


Now I'm guessing I have the correct ones downloaded, just take a look to make sure for me on this one.


HGEC BODY- Click here to see which one I downloaded. (WARNING ADULT CONTENT)


Compatibility Skeletons- Click here to see which one I downloaded.


I really need help on this, any advice guys? Thanks

Edited by Chrisroxdye
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Your 'boobs to infinity' don't look like a skeleton caused issue to me (those are usually more cone shaped, stretched to infinity). The other clue is the missing chest area. Looking at the mod's files I see the various textures are all named with a preceding underscore (e.g. nft01_r.dds, nft01_p.dds). Do you have this same issue if you give Vilja one of the other colours to wear?
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  3. Select Archive invalidation. You'll get a popup window.
  4. Click BSA redirection (it's the default choice).
  5. Click Update Now.
  6. Close the Archive invalidation popup (click the red X in the upper-left corner).
  7. Quit OBMM or click Launch Oblivion.

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