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Trigger teleport on death


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Maybe it happens with other NPCs, but not with the player. At "death" being essential, weapon is "visually dropped" but still in your inventory. When you wake up with the setUnconscious to 1 and 0, you still have the weapon, but visually bugged, so you have to unequip and equip to fix it (at least one way to fix it). The player works different from NPC in those scenarios xD

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Just adding my support DarkRaziel. Looking forward to any progress you make. Got referred here by dubiousintent (thanks).

This is my mod request if you are interested.



Wondering how viable your first idea of superficially enhancing the player actor's hp would be? How complicated is it to change the ui to only show the hps after the first 10000? The exploring ui would have to be changed as well as the pipboy status number display of hps. How difficult is it to change the ui display to only show values >10000? I have seen complete overhaul mods for the pipboy does this mean it is possible?


There could be issues with certain damage values, not sure but some attacks say from behemoths or other scripted events might be programmed to make sure the player dies from certain attacks? If you artificially enhanced a player's hp NOT to die and you did die it might cause issues. But just in case making the player an essential turns out to be a dead end this could be a viable alternative...the worst that could happen would be that the player would die and then autoload would kick in which is annoying but not game breaking. It might actually come in handy to bypass possible crashes in certain scripted set pieces where teleporting might cause conflicts and then the respawn mechanic could be disabled and autoload will just be used for those few occasions...

Edited by Nexusmodsaccountno2
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I think you are right that the artificial health pool is the answer. Since setessential seems bugged. And there ain't no getting aroung the difference between alive or dead.

There is no maybe in there or drawn out death scene ... hehe

But needs a revamp on the Hud health bar :thumbsup: definitely sounds possible , just don't know the details.


To deal with scripted "Player.KillActor" calls ...

Could search them out and change them to something like ...


PlayBink "MyDeath.bik"

PlayerRef.MoveTo VCG01PlayerStartMarkerREF

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For my 2cp on the death video ...


Set up the static object letters to spell " YOU ARE DEAD"

on a dilapitated billboard skeleton.

With some effects of lights on the blink and fireworks fizzleing out.


Capture the ingame video and convert it to .bik , and add some audio overlay.

It's pretty simple really :wink:

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Been looking at possible script functions and language but gethealthpercentage is messy. Getting a specific health value would be much more useful as health gained through levels etc would remain unaffected. Would the


GetActorValue Health >10000


function be at all useful?


Now how do I make this calculate the player's health value (do I just put [Player] before the getactorvalue function?). Will this even work or does the health stat reference total health possible rather than the player's current variable health value?


Oh and from what I can tell there is no other script function that references a players health value other than the gethealthpercentage function. If the getactorvalue is a dead end would nvse be able to get the variable health value?

And if anyone can think of a way to use the gethealthpercentage without messing up hp increases through leveling, endurance increases, perks etc I am open to it. I think it would be possible but there would have to be a ton of micro management to make allowances for all the possible changes to permanent and temp hp changes...


Hmm was reading through the geck help page as ref by dubiousintent earlier in the post, it looks like


[ActorRef].GetAV health


is my best bet but it seems like it will calculate the TOTAL health value and not the health you lose/gain but not sure...it says "returns the current, modified health value." But does modified mean modified through getting shot in the face or does modified mean say a perk that modifies (increases or decreases) your total health during daytime hours etc?

Edited by Nexusmodsaccountno2
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To know the dynamic possibilities between full health and say 50% health.


Set a variable through this method example .



SCN HealthCalculate


Float fBaseHealth

Float fTotalHealth

Float fHealthRatio



Begin GameMode


If PlayerRef.GetHealthPercentage == 1.0


Set fBaseHealth to Player.GetBaseHealth

Set fTotalHealth to Player.GetAv Health

Set fHealthRatio to (fBaseHealth / fTotalHealth)



;Let HealthBar%siZe := (fHealthRatio * Player.GetAv Health)






Just a pseudo theory for what to do with the fHealthRatio towards showing the hud health displays ... but hope the first part helps for the journey :turned:

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