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Map of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles


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I have had the maps that came with Oblivion stapled on my bedroom wall. Every time I look at the shape of the landscape I see a face or a creature. The map of cyrodiil shows the head of a dragon of some sort or the complete head of a monster. The river that separates Cyrodiil with Valenwood could be its mouth, Anvil or Kvatch could be the nostril, and Chorrol is the eye. The Imperial city could be its ear I guess.


I also looked at the Shivering Isles map and found another creature. I looks like it is in a feedle position like an embryo. The Jester's Spine mountians and the Heretic's horn could be the head and neck. The mountain range in the middle seems to be a long arm. The Fringe seems to be the rear-end of the creature.



Does anybody else see them too?

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I understand what you mean, I have the Cyrodiil map stuck up behind me, but I found that the Anvil Bay (whats the correct name, someone?) was the mouth of this 'creature' With shivering isles i found the same kind of shape though, and also there is a twisted face at the centre made of of the water , the mouth being the Hill of Suicides, and the twose lakes with tiny islands in above it the eyes.


I dont think this is todo with staring at maps to long, thank you Curratum, but because I like to look for hidden shapes within shapes, and meanings within words.

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Good to hear that others have seen the same thing, which proves that I am not insane.


...um....could mean they're more insane.... :biggrin:

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Actually, the Shivering Isles is meant to resemble a skull, from the side. The bay in the south-east is an agape mouth. New Sheoth is the 'brain' and The Fringe is, well, a fringe. It was a long time ago, but I remember one of the dev's mentioning it.
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