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Ok, I've played through skyrim 4 times in total now, I find I love to make up stories and design my character. I guess many of you love this as well. Here´s is an opportunity to share your character with others!


To enter you have to have:

1) A name

2) 1 or 2 photos of your character. Please try do avoid posting a link and add a image (like you see in the 1st reply).

3) One short short story/intoduction to your character 3-8 sentences (plus optional long version. The reason to do it this well so that people will read the short one, and if they think it sounds cool, they can read further, if not, they can skip it without having lost much time ).


Keep in mind that you can bring your followers along, but you should be sure to make them a part of the characters story and theme.


This could also be a great resource for modders who are creating new stories. This would be a great database of interesting and lore friendly characters.



Please try to refrain from posting thoughts and opinions on other peoples characters even though it may be tempting. I want to keep the thread as clean as possible so its easier to enjoy :) If there is something important, I hope you will send an IM or if you feel it should be shared, post it :P


If this thread becomes popular, Ill ask if it can be stickied and I might add a poll so you can vote for your favourite character.


Hope to see some interesting character!!!

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Lan Man'Dragororyn aka The Dark Knight


Short version: Lan is former farmer, he lived a happy life in Ivarstead with a loving wife and children. One day, out in the woods looking for game, he met a vampire who seduced him using dark arts, into murdering his own family. After the massacre, the imperial guards quickly arrested him and he was sentenced to death on the spot. When stepping forward to the chopping block in Helgen, he embraced death, his guilt and sorrow was overwhelming. When he was "saved" by Alduin, he saw this as a chance to begin a new life. He took the executioners hood from the man who was about to decapitate him and stepped out into the world with one goal: hunt down any vampire or any dark creature that walking the earth. He is now in hard training to join the Dawnguard.


Long version: Might do later



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  • 2 weeks later...


(don't be scared Nexus, that's a female with actual armor. I know it's heretical)


Name: Sajida

Race: Redguard

Specialization: Melee combat and archery, Thu'um.

Favourite items: Sword called Stormgazer and a bow called Pyrestrike.


Sajida travelled to Skyrim to help the Imperial cause, and was ironically captured on crossing the border. After escaping and having her destiny as Dragonborn revealed to her, she embraces her new power and uses it to help reunite Skyrim for the Empire.

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1) Name: Kiterin

2) http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh493/cynsterStar/Kiterin.png (mug shot)


Short: Psychopathic killer set off by very small actions. Very bloodthirsty and without mercy. She jumped at a chance to complete an unofficial contract for the dark brotherhood before being asked to join the family. It was there she met Cicero - the maniacal jester, and there where her insanity grew exponentially. At the end of everything, they were married and began their true adventure. The two travel Skyrim, she on horseback, he on foot - Cicero ever speaking, Kiterin ever listening... woe to those that cross their path



Long: An imperial soldier caught Kiterin slaying a courier near the boarder of Skyrim. Bound by the wrists, the soldier thought she had been dealt with. He made a fatal mistake. Kiterin jumped over the soldier, lying face down in the mud, and ran for her freedom, but as luck would have it, an ambush nearby of Imperial soldiers on Jarl Ulfric and his stormcloaks botched the escape attempt. Already bound, they took her as a criminal with the rest of the stormcloaks to be sent to the chopping block. Lady luck smiled on her and sent a dragon to rescue her. Escaping with the stormcloaks, she made her way. She giggled to herself thinking of the terror she had just seen. A dragon in Skyrim... how delightful! Happening on another bound prisoner with a group of imperial soldiers, she slaughtered them all in vengeance. The soldiers for being affiliated with those trying to kill her. The prisoner for being a stormcloak - affiliated with the people that botched her escape. She would join neither side of this irritating war. The recent kills whetted her appetite for bloodshed. Her eyes traced to a Whiterun guard on her travels. The guard got the better of her and just when she thought she was about to be slain, a jester near a cart ran to her aid and brought the man down. The both were silent as they went their separate ways. Little did she know she would meet this man again in very different circumstances. She became very much a jail bird after that incident. Frequently killing and serving her time in jail, escaping if she could. The guards grew irritated at the giggling from her cell, the soft whispers of a broken lady cooing the skeevers crawling between the cells. She was on a path of complete chaos, little regard for others and little regard for her own path... until she was brought to the dark brotherhood. There she met the jester, Cicero, once more. Through the drama of the Dark Brotherhood, the two both managed to survive - and in return, she saved his life. Once things had settled down, they decided to marry. He laughs, she cries. He smiles, she sighs. She had the Laughter now to calm her. And he had the Voice. And Skyrim received a psychotic couple, a dangerous pair that separately could have been handled, but together grew more sadistic and powerful, bouncing their ideas and moods off of each other.

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Ariel is an Ashen NPC and Bryan is my Breton Dovahkiin.


My favorite movie mixed with my favorite game...

Basically, they are not from Tamriel. They are Grey Jedi from the small deathstar moon that hovers above sent to scout the planet and learn about the people. A Grey doesn't follow a prime directive, so they chose to help the Stormcloaks because they have respect for the Gods. Some could even speculate that their arrival was divine intervention by Talos himself, and may be the reason that Bryan is a Dovahkiin. They also serve the night mother and Sithis. Just like their technology, their understanding of magic is far better than anyone on the planet. And finally, they love each other more than anything else.

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My "Blood Orc" character I just started. (Edited the image to use it as a header for a custom race homebrew for d&d I'm making on another site, Gitp, which has a size limit of 400x400 pixels or so.)

Her name is Mureka, Bloodmane.

I gave her magic resistance 95%, Fire resistance 100%, Electric resistance 75%, and Frost resistance 50% intended to be racial traits as Blood Orcs are nearly immune to magic and the elements find it hard to find purchase against them. fairly overpowered. But I don't care. Hate dem mages :sleep:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Ro'aan Kane


Race: Nord....Pure Blood Werewolf (born with the Beast Blood)


Combat Specialty: Stealth Archer, Poisoner, Two Handed...Light armored and agile....Specializes in Ambush attacks.


Kane comes from a tribal group (Pure Blood Werewolves) of small scattered bands living in the "inaccessible" mountain regions bordering a stretch between Skyrim and Cyrodiil/Hammerfell....This Tribal Nation, the 'Taleis', are insular, having very little contact with the outside world aside from some trading and accidental encounters and are followers of Hircine....The politics of the larger Skyrim populace has been a new experience for him also....No, he didn't know who Ulfric is.....The 'Taleis' all in all have more in common with the 'Forsworn' life style than the general Nord population.


As for the chopping block...it was simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for Kane...He was hunting and wandered too far out of his own territory and straight into the Imperial ambush, he had just done bathing and was making his way back to his camp.....explaining the prisoner rags and no possessions.


His motivation: The 'Taleis' place a great deal of stock in the code of 'Honor' and so as such this is the quality driving Kane in the decisions he makes, this includes his feeling honor bound to stay and take his place as the Dragon Born instead of returning home....Kane's a relentless Warrior and as such is very much a harsh unforgiving judge (very black and white view of the world) than principled/unprincipled...too be honest I'm not too sure where he would fit...he would sacrifice himself to protect an innocent civilian....but as for Bandits, Thalmor, Necromancers, etc...they are brutally dispatched without mercy....he would rape, torture, enslave, kill, etc...these NPC's without remorse....Though there is a gray shade when it comes to the Forsworn and Soldiers, he will grant them mercy if they 'yield' , he see's their reasons for doing what they do.....He also doesn't thieve and in fact has plans in the works to cleanse Riften of their filthy presence.


He does not trust Magic, frowns upon it and has none to speak of himself.


He is a lone wolf though has come to tolerate two companions.....fell for their feminine wiles and ways though they drive him up the wall with their babble, that has been a whole lot of fun to RP, watching Kane trying to come to terms with these women and them leaving him floundering in frustration...:)




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Name: Richard

Race: Breton

Specialties: One-Handed Sword and Shield with Light Armor; Destruction, Conjuration, and Restoration Magic; Smithing and Enchantment; Sneaking and Lockpicking

Short description: Richard is a highly adaptable spellsword. A treasure hunter by trade, he travelled to Skyrim after the prospects of finding treasures in the Ayleid ruins of Cyrodiil started to run dry as yet another consequence of the Great War and the Oblivion Crisis before it.

Long description: Unfortunately for Richard, he happened upon the Imperial ambush that was capturing Ulfric Stormcloak. As he was waiting for his turn at the headsman's axe, he made note that despite the Stormcloaks' knowledge of his innocence of not being one of them, none of them would speak up for him. However, one man did (though rather weakly)... an Imperial soldier named Hadvar. So when Alduin attacked and he made his escape, he followed Hadvar into the keep. After arriving and resting at Riverwood, he left for Whiterun at the behest of Hadvar's uncle Alvor to warn Jarl Balgruuf of the danger of the dragon that destroyed Helgen. He kept in mind Hadvar's offer for him to join the Legion, but he wasn't really considering it. After meeting with Balgruuf, he accepted the job of retriving the Dragonstone and then helped fight the dragon Mirmulnir, which ultimately led to his realization of being the Dragonborn and becoming the Thane of Whiterun. As he quested to stop Alduin once and for all, he eventually had to negotiate a truce between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. Upon arriving at Windhelm, he overhears Jarl Ulfric discussing the invasion of Whiterun with Galmar Stone-Fist. Given his loyal nature to those he considers friends or allies, this causes him to seriously reconsider his stance of staying out of the civil war.

Richard has a loyal and generous nature to those he considers friends, and has no problems dropping a few septims to any beggar on the street, or offering help to those who need it as such quests can present opportunities for treasure hunting. However, he will not hesitate to kill, either... though only in self-defense. He will never draw first, but many are the bandits and marauders who met their end either at the tip of his blade, or getting incinerated. He has no compunctions of skirting the edge of the law to make his fortune, but will not cross that line. In his line of work, he creates and enchants his own weapons and armor, while keeping any well made or enchanted pieces he finds that he considers useful. His combat style is unusual, and has been known to switch from melee weapons one moment to magic the next, making him a very difficult opponent for most to anticipate... and now adding the Thu'um makes him even more so. He can even use stealth if he feels inclined to or the need arises. He has no love for the Thalmor and is sympathetic to the Stormcloaks and their cause, but is not too keen on their methods. However, nearly being executed has soured his outlook on the Empire as well... but could seriously consider joining it should Ulfric Stormcloak make good on his plans to invade Whiterun, as he considers Jarl Balgruuf a friend.

One interesting note about Richard is that most Nords and Skyrim raised non-Nords are confused by his attitude when they call him a "milk drinker." Rather than take offense, he just smirks and shakes his head. Truth be told, he really IS a milk drinker... literally. Richard is a teetotaler. In other words, he abstains from alcoholic beverages. He sees mead and ale for what they really are... poisons that damage the brain. While Nords often consider holding their drink a sign of strength, Richard considers resisting the drink an even greater strength. All too often a drunk has been floored (or worse, if he draws a weapon) in an attempt to change Richard's attitude. After the fight, he celebrates with a bottle of milk... much to the chagrin of the witnesses. He has often been known to say afterwards, "I only put you where the mead was going to... only sooner and more painfully."

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  • 5 months later...

Name: Iosa


Race: Falmer


Class: Ice mage


By a miraculous spell, Iosa was sent through time and woke up in the middle of nowhere. With all of her memories still intact she is devestated for find her self in the future were all her kin is either dead or transformed into monster, and to keep her company there are only the Nords, who are people greatest enemy. She seeks out the collage of winterhold to learn more about what has passed. Finding that everybody is very interested in her and her magic skills are very powerful, she joins the collage and eventually rises to the rank of Archmage. Though time passes and she grows older. The only thing that she cares about anymore is the survival of her race. Her sole quest is to find another falmer survivor and reproduce. In fear that she wont have enough time, she decides to become a vampire. When finding Serana she is intrigued to find another person who have shared somehow the same fate. Iosa leads Serana back to her father and joins up with the rest of them. When she hears of Harkons plan to find Auriels Bow, a sacred falmer artifact, she is even more intrigued. She sets out with Serana of the great quest, not knowing she will find the thing she seeks around the next corner.



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