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(don't be scared Nexus, that's a female with actual armor. I know it's heretical)


Name: Sajida

Race: Redguard

Specialization: Melee combat and archery, Thu'um.

Favourite items: Sword called Stormgazer and a bow called Pyrestrike.


Sajida travelled to Skyrim to help the Imperial cause, and was ironically captured on crossing the border. After escaping and having her destiny as Dragonborn revealed to her, she embraces her new power and uses it to help reunite Skyrim for the Empire.

This pose totally fits her name

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1) Name: Kiterin

2) http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh493/cynsterStar/Kiterin.png (mug shot)


Short: Psychopathic killer set off by very small actions. Very bloodthirsty and without mercy. She jumped at a chance to complete an unofficial contract for the dark brotherhood before being asked to join the family. It was there she met Cicero - the maniacal jester, and there where her insanity grew exponentially. At the end of everything, they were married and began their true adventure. The two travel Skyrim, she on horseback, he on foot - Cicero ever speaking, Kiterin ever listening... woe to those that cross their path



Long: An imperial soldier caught Kiterin slaying a courier near the boarder of Skyrim. Bound by the wrists, the soldier thought she had been dealt with. He made a fatal mistake. Kiterin jumped over the soldier, lying face down in the mud, and ran for her freedom, but as luck would have it, an ambush nearby of Imperial soldiers on Jarl Ulfric and his stormcloaks botched the escape attempt. Already bound, they took her as a criminal with the rest of the stormcloaks to be sent to the chopping block. Lady luck smiled on her and sent a dragon to rescue her. Escaping with the stormcloaks, she made her way. She giggled to herself thinking of the terror she had just seen. A dragon in Skyrim... how delightful! Happening on another bound prisoner with a group of imperial soldiers, she slaughtered them all in vengeance. The soldiers for being affiliated with those trying to kill her. The prisoner for being a stormcloak - affiliated with the people that botched her escape. She would join neither side of this irritating war. The recent kills whetted her appetite for bloodshed. Her eyes traced to a Whiterun guard on her travels. The guard got the better of her and just when she thought she was about to be slain, a jester near a cart ran to her aid and brought the man down. The both were silent as they went their separate ways. Little did she know she would meet this man again in very different circumstances. She became very much a jail bird after that incident. Frequently killing and serving her time in jail, escaping if she could. The guards grew irritated at the giggling from her cell, the soft whispers of a broken lady cooing the skeevers crawling between the cells. She was on a path of complete chaos, little regard for others and little regard for her own path... until she was brought to the dark brotherhood. There she met the jester, Cicero, once more. Through the drama of the Dark Brotherhood, the two both managed to survive - and in return, she saved his life. Once things had settled down, they decided to marry. He laughs, she cries. He smiles, she sighs. She had the Laughter now to calm her. And he had the Voice. And Skyrim received a psychotic couple, a dangerous pair that separately could have been handled, but together grew more sadistic and powerful, bouncing their ideas and moods off of each other.


Bonnie and Clyde!!! COOL! :D
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NAME: Tolan The Lonesome
SPEC: Two-Handed ; Archery
FAV WEAPONS: Axe of Hrothmun , Bow of the Hunt , Blade of woe (retex by ktacreations)
Short story : Tolan is a young Adventurer. He returned to Homeland Skyrim after long years to find his homeland in blood, tyranny, betrayal, fear and darkness.It wasn't the same Skyrim when that little boy ran away from Riften orphanage. And began his Lonely life with full of dangerous adventures all over Tamriel. His life turned him into a bloody - minded Great Warrior.. Captured while crossing the border to return home.. was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. But bad luck was familiar for him.. everything changed.. the turning point of his life path.. Alduin.. his destiny..he will become the Greatest Hero in the History of Skyrim.. War against the Empire..Independent Skyrim.. But even After all he never stopped distrusting people.. he believes that there is at least a little piece of hatred , jealousy , greed and the Evil itself in every man and mers hearth.. He has found his kind.. His Master Paarthurnax and his loyal and only friend Odahviing.. But the Heroes never choose their own future and destiny.. They become Heroes because they are made to be in the time of need.. and Tolan feels in his veins that Some day this peace in his heart will be turned into the Fire again,Into the Fire of his Thum..
(my english is terrible i know..sorry)

Edited by terlaN592
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Lol Have to write that new.... Damned thing here....

Edited by Livelover
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Jaradin of Ladamir, The Dragonborn



Race: Redguard (traces of Breton lineage)
Age: 35 Years
DoB: Frostfall, 4E 166
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Brown
Build: Thick and sturdy, massive musculature
Scars: R shaped branding on right cheek
Tattoo: Red tribal marking across left eye
Level: 64
Heritage: Mountaineer, Desert Ranger, The Battlemages of High Rock
Beliefs: Overt worship of Stendarr, covert service to the Daedra Princes
Ideal: Power at any cost
Allegiance: The Mede Empire, The Blades
Spouse: Ysolda of Whiterun
Children: Alesan and Lucia
Blood: Werewolf

Paradigm: Warrior
Preferred Weapon: The Mace of Molag Bal
Preferred Armor: Daedric Armor Set
Maximized Skills: Jaradin has learned a great deal, but he is a master of these skills,

  • Smithing
  • Heavy Armor
  • One-handed (all classifications)
  • Block

Titles: Primarily known as the Dragonborn, but carries other notable positions, including,

  • Harbinger of the Companions
  • Arch-Mage of Winterhold College
  • Thane of Whiterun
  • Thane of Falkreath
  • Thane of Markarth
  • Thane of Solitude
  • Thane of Morthal
  • Thane of Winhelm
  • Thane of Riften

Notable Property: Jaradin is a reputed collector and has obtained the following artifacts of note,

  • Azura's Star
  • Dawnbreaker, Gift of Meridia
  • The Ebony Blade, Blessing of Mephala
  • Ebony Mail, Champion of Boethiah
  • The Mace of Molag Bal
  • The Masque of Clavicus Vile
  • Mehrune's Razor
  • Oghma Infinium (Absorbed)
  • The Ring of Namira
  • Sanguine Rose
  • Savior's Hide, Trophy of Hircine
  • Spellbreaker, Shieldbearer of Peryite
  • Volundrung, Hammer of Malacath
  • Wabbajack, Staff of Sheogorath






Jaradin of Ladamir is a man of many contradictions. A warrior by heart, he does not share his people's loathing for magic, does not turn away from opportunities offered by the gods, and only seeks glory for the sake of obtaining power. Jaradin arrived in Skyrim to escape persecution from his own lands only to find persecution by the Empire, yet he survived thanks to the convenient arrival of a mythical dragon, one who was later revealed to be the legendary Alduin, a creature which shared traits with his own people's Yokudan God. Yet, instead of turning to join the Stormcloaks or worship the bringing of the World Eater, Jaradin chose to destroy the Stormcloaks out of spite of his loathed Aldmeri foes, slew Alduin to guarantee that the world would not end for his own sake, and sacrificed the lives of others for power - to obtain the gifts of the Daedra. He also embraced the Beast Blood to strengthen himself, and joined Winterhold College to learn of ancient magical might. In a word, Jaradin is selfish: if an opportunity presents itself for his own sake, he will take it, regardless of its ethical dangers. However, that is not to say that Jaradin is villainous, for he embraced his title as the Dragonborn to save Skyrim, became Thane of the various Holds by protecting and assisting the people, freed several prisoners from the clutches of the Thalmor, and donates frequently to those in need. He's a loving husband, a doting father, and a loyal master of his servants and friends. One must simply remember a simple rule with the anti-hero known as Jaradin of Ladamir: that behind his kind smile and his reputation for heroism lies a beast, one capable of ripping your heart out to sate his hunger for power.


Karrod, son of Kalorter (his birth name) was born in the desert hills southwest of Dragonstar to a gypsy woman and a wandering Ra-Gadan warrior. They briefly lived in a village south of Dragonstar before being stationed in Skaven. In 4E 171, Karrod's father and his detachment of Ra-Gadan warriors were sent to join the Redguard Legionaires to battle the Aldmeri Dominion, but Kalorter was killed in the first wave of their invasion of Hammerfell. His mother later died near the Great War's end due to an undetermined illness. After the war's end in 4E 175, Karord was enlisted into a ragtag band of Ra-Gadan guerilla forces as a blacksmith's apprentice, during which he came to loathe the Dominion. After the Aldmeri retreated in 4E 180, his master was assigned to a unit of Ra-Gadan warriors in the northern mountains to resist any Nordic attempts to claim Dragonstar, and Karrod served the remainder of his apprenticeship there for five years before taking the oath of brotherhood. He was reassigned to join the force guarding against Orc invasion in the mountains southwest of Dragonstar.

It was in those mountains that he encountered a band of gypses who claimed to have known his mother, and when he prodded them further, they told him of the Legend of Ladamir. According to the gypses, in the First Era a group of Manmer (the early Bretons) fled into the mountains northwest of modern Skaven to escape their Aldmeri slavers. They located an isolated trek of land and hid away, expecting to head further south given the chance, but after an early winter storm blocked the narrow mountain passes, the group opted to make camp for the season. Wielding their acute magical capabilities, the early Bretons constructed a humble mining town and used a section of the excavation to farm, using a stretch of fertile soil to survive. As the winter months passed, some of the Bretons took their leave, but many chose to stay, convinced that they'd found a safe haven.

However, while the community was camouflaged from most outsiders through magic and the arduous mountain ranges, their existence through the First Era relied on a fair bit of guile. When the Yokudans (The early Redguards) invaded early Hammerfell, their Ro-Gadan warriors cleansed the land of all opposition, men and mer alike; as they were repelling the Orsimer, a lone scout chanced upon the village, but rather than killing the warrior, the Bretons calmed him through their magic and propelled him to leave, and once he returned to his encampment and the spell wore off, the warrior spread his tale of a haven in the mountains, sowing the seeds for legendary haven. For centuries small expeditions of Redguard adventurers searched for the village, believing that, with each new telling, the town held great Aldmeri artifacts or gates to the other realms of Oblivion. The expedition attracted heroes and villains alike, and the village's Bretons would expel nearly all of the outsiders, only killing those who presented a threat, adding to the legend even further. However, some Redguards were welcomed to join the community, and over the centuries, the secret community became intermingled between the two races, both through breeding and exclusive families.

Due to their isolation, the community grew accustomed to worshiping many gods, Aedra and Daedra alike. The Breton's turned primarily to Stendarr, whom they praised for their smithing and protection against Aldmeri chains, and Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies, for granting them light to warm their caverns and cold evenings; by contrast, some of the other Bretons turned to the various gods to obtain power, counteracting their brethren's emphasis on light with darkness. When the Redguards arrived, they brought the worship of Satakal, the Yokudan God of Everything, which solidified a cyclical understanding of dualism, or creation linked with destruction, into the community. The Redguards believed that it was their duty to strike down their enemies for the sake of future generations, that violence and death beget peace and life. This unique combination of ideals led to a strange balance of the Aedra and Daedra which, over the centuries, drew the eyes of the Gods themselves. According to legend, the community was invaded by a band of Malacath worshippers in the mid 1500s of the First Era, the Daedric seeking to strike down the shrine of Meridia, which sat so close to his own realm. The community's Redguards managed to stave off the initial Orc assault, but the arrival of a powerful Chimer Necromancer called upon by Boethiah to unseat Meridia's followers rose the slain Orc from the dead and hurled their weight against the community's defenses, slaying many of the defenders in the process. In response, Meridia called upon Gadal Lados, a young miner of mixed heritage, to avenge the death of his father by wielding the legendary Dawnbreaker. Breathing in the courage of his forefathers, Gadal charged into the undead lines, causing a chain reaction of detonations from holy fire which cleansed the field of the Undead. The Orc forces retreated in shame, and the Chimer Necromancer went into hiding to escape the watchful eyes of Meridia's vengeance.

(I'll continue this later)


Edited by Jaradin
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Name:Tolan the Lonewolf

Race:Nord (Pure Blood Werewolf)

Armor: Hunting Ground Outfit

Weapons: Axe of Hrothmun , Bow of the Hunt , Blade of woe (retex by ktacreations) , Claws & Teeth


Short Story:


I'm a Man.. I'm a Beast,
The Night falls - I am raised,
Under Moon..Walking Doom,
Quenching thirst..Bleeding Preys,
Claws & teeth are my Weapons ,Hircine is my Shelter!
I'm a Lonesome.. I'm your Hunter..!!

Author: LoneLycan


Author: LoneLycan




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Name: Buliwyf Titus
Race: Imperial


Born and raised in Whiterun. Father was a trader and importer/exporter who traveled across Skyrim. He was murdered for being an Imperial by 3 drunk Stormcloak soldiers. Because it happened in Windhelm, the soldiers were fined 2 gold coins for creating a disturbance.

Buliwyf, angered by his fathers murder, went to a good friend of his father's, an Orc named Grushnag who worked as a guard for trading caravans, and asked him to train him in weapons and combat so he could avenge his father. Traveling with Grushnag not only saw him well trained and proficient as a fighter, it gave him opportunity to run across Stormcloak soldiers and to pick fights with them. One day while in Riften, he heard a rumour that Ulfric Stormcloak was traveling in the area and went to see if he could find him and maybe if an opportunity to kill Ulfric might present itself. He was caught by the Imperials and taken prisoner as he was in the area and carrying weapons, so they felt he must be part of Ulfric's group.




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Name: Michael Steel-Knife, calls self True Emperor Michael Septim I


Age: 34


Armor: Jagged Crown, Glass Armor


Weapon: Legendary Ebony Sword


Race: Nord


TL;DR version: Michael Steel-Knife has a split personality: one half noble, the other half murdering psychopath. He was born in Cyrodiil, went to Skyrim, and became close friends with a few Daedric princes. After doing everything to do, Michael realized he should be emperor of Tamriel, due to the possibility of the same bloodline as Tiber Septim. Now, he plots...


Michael's personality can be described as... split. On one side, there's the noble Dragonborn, savior of the world, freer of Skyrim from the Imperial yoke, who is willing to drop everything to fetch a villager's heirloom in a town 12 hours away. On the other, there's a darker Michael, who worships Daedra, has a nice collection of filled black soul gems, kills for profit, steals thousands of septims in goods, and runs two of the deadliest organizations in Skyrim. His latent xenophobia towards any elves (except when there's reward) doesn't help, either.


He grew up on a farm in Cyrodiil, near the border of Skyrim, and his father died in the great war, leading to a hatred against all elves. All he knew about his heritage was that his family was once very wealthy, but lost their fortune around the time of the Oblivion Crisis. He moved to Bruma during his adolescence, and bought a strange trinket from a Khajiit trader: a small, wind-up Dwemer "action figure" in the likeness of a Dwarven warrior. He lost it in the couch a week later, but it managed to foster in him a love of all things Dwemer.


After his mother died, Michael joined the Imperial Legion, but was discharged a few years later under suspicions of murdering a Thalmor Justicar who was assigned to his legion (He was acquitted, but we all know he did it). He became a farmer, but the farm was torched when he tried to fight some Thalmor who searched his house. Michael fled north, to try and meet Ulfric Stormcloak's rebellion. If this is how life is supposed to be with the elves, Michael wanted OUT. He happened to wander into the middle of an Imperial ambush in Falkreath hold, and was sent to execution along with the rest of the rebels.


Then, Alduin showed up. Michael fled to Riverwood with a Stormcloak named Ralof. Michael became an adventurer, who fought for all things good in the world. Then, he met a strange man in Solitute, with eyes that were black voids. Michael later found himself in the company of several Daedra over the next year, from Sheogorath in the mind of a dead Emperor, to Hermaeus Mora inside an iceberg in Winterhold. Michael also met two very life-changing people: an assassin named Astrid, and a man in the Riften marketplace named Brynjolf. He had adventures with them, until he was swimming in gold, and killed the Emperor of Tamriel! He then joined the Stormcloak army, all the way up to introducing General Tulluis to a mace.


Then, after accomplishing all that could be accomplished throughout the land, Michael started to dwell on the fact that Tiber Septim, General Talos, Ysmir, the 9th Divine, was a Dragonborn, too. After a while, Michael realized, "What if I'm a Septim?" It made sense; the Septim Dynasty, which was founded by a Dragonborn, was eliminated during the Oblivion Crisis, which was when Michael's family lost all their wealth. He immediately styled himself as Emperor Michael Septim I, and started plotting. Against the Empire, against Ulfric, the very man he had helped win the throne, against the Aldmeri Dominion, against all who would stand between him and the crown...

Edited by Dovahkiin234
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