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Unable to download any files


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Recently I felt the urge to play Fallout 4 after not having touched it in months. I also decided to give Vortex a go. A few days ago, I forget exactly when, I tried to download it but the download would not start. I didn't think much of it at the time and figured maybe the servers were under heavy load or something. Fast forward to this morning and I decided to try again. It still wouldn't download so I ended up downloading it from the GitHub page and after getting everything set up I tried to download a mod only to have it time out. After about an hour of searching for any Vortex related fixes I decided to just try downloading something manually and adding it. That's when I realized I couldn't download anything. Every file I tried would end up not working.


I found the help page and went through it. None of the test links work, I just get "This site can't be reached" and the manual download example takes me a page that says "Access to filedelivery.nexusmods.com has been denied"


When I ping files.nexus-cdn.com via command prompt it also times out.


Tested this on my wife's computer with the same results.

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I have some new information but for some reason the edit button isn't working for me so I have add it in a reply.


So I just woke up and decided to try again but still the same results across the board. However when I used a proxy website to test things, I was able to access speedtest.nexus-cdn.com without any issues at all. I was even able to download the files without issue, with rather fast speeds at that. While I don't believe the issue is mine or my wife's computer, it's clearly not on the site's end either. I figured that much since I didn't see anyone else talking about the issue.


Could the cause be my router? It's the same one I've had for years and I haven't changed any settings on it in quite some time. Perhaps it's related to my ISP? I'm not well versed in network related things so maybe someone has some idea what the cause is? Also, I'm located in Tennessee, USA if that helps at all. Didn't think about mentioning that before.

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I had considered it was my AV (Kaspersky) so I tried disabling it and then uninstalling it temporarily to see if it was the culprit but the problem persisted. Hadn't thought about it being a firewall issue until you mentioned i though. I checked both the windows firewall and the one on the router and didn't see anything. I disabled both temporarily and still had the same results. I tried pinging files.nexus-cdn.com via my router and it also timed out.

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I tested it on my phone and was able to download files just fine. I also disconnected the internet line from the router and hooked it directly into one of the computers but the problem is still there. So it is looking like it's probably something related with my ISP itself. I'll try giving them a call soon and see what I can find out.

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Actually having this same issue. Nothing downloading including files I had downloaded the day before. Going to turn on vpn and see what happens.


edit: vpn gives same result.

edit2: disabling malwarebytes does nothing.

edit3: tried using ms edge, feel so unclean now for a number of reason but the result was the same although it did ask what I wanted to do with the file it just does nothing after that.

edit4: the mod page for anything I have tried to download says I last downloaded today. Also just had the power flash here so saved me the trouble of rebooting the modem and still not working.

edit5: I can download files through manager but no manual downloads are working for what I have tried.

edit6: the speedtest files also do not work unless I right click and save as then they work just fine. Of course I do not have that option on manual downloads for mods I am stuck with a download button.

Edited by snackercakes
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