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What's wrong with Interesting NPCs, aka 3dnpc?


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I can not get it to load correctly. It loads all 2.1 Gigs, then it says CANNOT OPEN FILE AS ARCHIVE. I used to never have a problem in the past with this mod.


EDIT...I'm trying something different...extracting it from my downloads to my game. Hopefully that will work.


EDIT 2...did not work. No Idea where it even went! :laugh:

Edited by Guest
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Was this from a new download, or one you've used in the past?

Did you migrate your game, mod manager (whichever you use) or mod archives (if you manual download) to another drive and/or directory?


EDIT: Also, you should re-post this question (or ask a moderator to move it for you) to https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4060-skyrim-special-edition-mod-troubleshooting/ as you will more likely get help there.


Whoops! Got the link wrong on the first edit. Fixed now.

Edited by LeddBate
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This is from 3dnpc.com's 3.42 Beta for SSE. I have used it in the past. I'm from the old school, and don't use mod managers. I just did manual download to first my c:\users\downloads...which I then usually just put it onto my D:\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data. But after I put it to the c:, thats when it gave that message, and it would not let me continue.

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