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Marry a bard ?!


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I have some troubles making my "own bard". Rather I'd like to marry Lisette the bard of Solitude.

So I added the marriage faction and removed a relationship. That's not the problem.


She's my wife now but I can't ask her to sing me a song in my home. Is this even possible?

Can anybody tell what I have to do that Lisette is singing a song for me in my home?


Thank you a lot.





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Unless you changed her voice type, or removed her from the BardSingerFaction, there's no reason for her not to offer you the request dialogue options. Are you positive that all you did was add one faction and remove one relationship?
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Yes, I just removed her relationship to Jorn.

She has now 5 factions and 10 relationships:


- BardSingerFaction

- JobBardFaction

- CrimeFactionHaafingar

- TownSolitudeFaction

- PotentialMarriageFaction (added)


I haven't changed her voice type.

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