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NPC´s Flee


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Hello to everyone, my question its why Bethesta change and dont allow to mod the ai of the npc via console or scripting?


Every new npc i made flee like a chiken, no way to change it, i try to resurrrect, placeatme, movetoplayer( added into ck in a cell), resurrect 1, forceav, everything i can see in this forum to make it possible,

but nothing, and more weird thing happend, the are inmortal, complete inmortal no way to kill em, i try kill, killall, only disable work.


Why its that, first of all they take off the addscriptpackage that was the perfect way to make custom follower for low/medium ppl in scripts, then change aggression,confidence,etc,


Its posible that Bethesta are trying to sell us a pack of follower or maybe tools for do it?, dunno but right now im stuck in advance my char, dont like the vanilla followers.


Thansk for all and sorry for my bad english.


Un Saludo

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I've had no more problems with AI in Skyrim than with other Beth games.


Here's a couple of useful wiki pages.




AI Data Tab


Offers direct control of a new npc's behavior





Actor Values


For scripting a mid-game change to a vanilla actor, you might want to use actor values via scripting, if you don't want to kill and resurrect the actor in game.




Edit: Changes to some actor values won't persist in a saved game so you may have to call them in an oninit event regularly or someting of the sort.

Edited by mojodajojo
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I've had no more problems with AI in Skyrim than with other Beth games.


Here's a couple of useful wiki pages.




AI Data Tab


Offers direct control of a new npc's behavior





Actor Values


For scripting a mid-game change to a vanilla actor, you might want to use actor values via scripting, if you don't want to kill and resurrect the actor in game.




Edit: Changes to some actor values won't persist in a saved game so you may have to call them in an oninit event regularly or someting of the sort.



thnks for the reply but i try all this too (sorry if i dont write before), no way they run and run .

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If you can't kill the actor it is because you have configured him to be "essential" (he can also be configured as essential in the Quest Alias configuration.)


If they run away, you either have their AI Data configured as "unaggressive" or "cowardly", or you have the wrong packages set up.

Edited by steve40
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If you can't kill the actor it is because you have configured him to be "essential" (he can also be configured as essential in the Quest Alias configuration.)


If they run away, you either have their AI Data configured as "unaggressive" or "cowardly", or you have the wrong packages set up.



mmmm, no the ai its set to be vary agressive and confidence to max, but what you said about packages....can you pls explain me whit more details? maybe thats the problem he have only one package follow player.


Thnks, un saludo

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