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A Couple Of Suggestions


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Been using vortex for like a week or two now. It's pretty good, But like all things it could be better. So I put together a couple of suggestions.


1. More control over plugins. Please let us manually order plugins. I understand the rules system etc and it works GREAT. However it leads to some visual annoyances. For example let's say you have "MOD.esp" and "MOD - Optional Thing.Esp". Using the rule set you can create a rule to ensure that "MOD - Optional Thing" loads after "MOD". This is fine, And it works fine. But it is incredibly annoying that the system will put things in between these plugins. While I understand it makes no functional difference it is nice to have Related ESP's stored in a sort of block so that you can quickly look which Optional extras or Patches you have enabled without having to search. This could be achieved by A: Allowing us to disable the Rule-Set and manually place Plugins as we need or B: (My Preferred Solution) Add "Load Directly After" and "Load Directly Before" options to the rule set. These rules should attempt to load the ESP's as close to each other as possible without breaking other rule sets. This will make it much easier to sort out mod lists.


2: Clean up the Dashboard a bit. Currently it's a bit of a cluster. That's it for this point. Kinda disappointing after that essay I gave for the last one, Eh?


3: More Documentation. Currently the documentation that is available is incredibly well done, However I wish that more was covered. For example, There is not a single spec of information about the save games system (At least not that I can find)


Apart from these points I would say Vortex is amazing. As a long time modder it feels refreshing to finally have a system that has Nexus integration along with all of the useful features from systems like LOOT and MO. While I do somewhat miss the control the user had in NMM it's not a big enough problem that I feel the desire to go back.


Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see what will come of vortex.

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It's not drag 'n drop, but you are able to change the load-order of your ESPs if you wish to. Double click on the esp in question, and tell it to lock to a certain index of your choosing. So, if you want it between 2a & 2c, put in 2b and it'll force that esp file into that position. So organizing your load-order as you are talking about should be possible.


Only switched recently, so I cannot comment about anything else proposed. I hope what I said above helps however.

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Solution for your issue 1):


Create a loot group and add all mods you want to keep together into that group.


Please understand that manually manipulatiing the load order defeats the auto-sort (once you auto-sort your painstakingly created manual order will be destroyed anyway) and it's also very error-prone. Even for the experienced modder. It's just not a good idea.



And DON'T use the "lock index" function please, That's even worse. This is only meant for the very rare situation where a mod need to have a fixed mod id. It's not meant to influence sorting.

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Solution for your issue 1):


Create a loot group and add all mods you want to keep together into that group.


Please understand that manually manipulatiing the load order defeats the auto-sort (once you auto-sort your painstakingly created manual order will be destroyed anyway) and it's also very error-prone. Even for the experienced modder. It's just not a good idea.





Ah, I had looked at the group function but I had assumed that only worked with setting up load orders based on plugin Category. I will look further into it.


I still think it would be beneficial to have a "Load Directly Before/After" rule added for quick sorting.

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LOOT doesn't support such a "load directly after/before" rule, and since it wouldn't serve any other purpose than pure cosmetical issues, I'm pretty sure, the LOOT dev team will not add such a feature.


About groups: They're not related with categoires. They replaced the old "priorities" feature in loot and are just much more flexible, as you can create any number of groups and order them in any way you like. See the "manage groups" button in Vortex (on the plugin tab).

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Loot directly before and directly after in itself is a bad idea. Sometimes modders may create things that need to go between a main file and a patch file. For example you MOD.esp is a new weapon, and MOD-OptionalThing.esp is a texture file. But I don't like the shape of the weapon, so I make a new mesh for it. But I also want the optional texture. So the MODMESH.esp should go between MOD.esp and MOD-OptionalThing.esp, but it because you made a load directly after rule, you have to manually alter this again just for aesthetic purposes.

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