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Awarding Thanks


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Hello every one, since I'm using Skyrim nexus I downloaded lots of mods. I was so exited doing that so, that I didn't gave any endorsement, so I'm going to mention all the mods I've downloaded so that the authors can send me a message and I will be pleased to endorse their mods. By my own I will start endorsing what I can.

ps. I'm not sure if posting this list goes against nexus rules. So please be comprehensive and don't ban my account without noticing me.

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I'm confused about why you need the mod authors to contact you before you endorse them.You can just click on the version number on the NMM mod interface, and it will take you to the mod authors web page...click to endorse, and you're done. I had let a bunch slide and then went bacl to take care of it...took maybe 10 minutes. I'm just suggesting that, because there may be authors who feel like contacting you for the endorsement is like digging for compliments.
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I'm confused about why you need the mod authors to contact you before you endorse them.You can just click on the version number on the NMM mod interface, and it will take you to the mod authors web page...click to endorse, and you're done. I had let a bunch slide and then went bacl to take care of it...took maybe 10 minutes. I'm just suggesting that, because there may be authors who feel like contacting you for the endorsement is like digging for compliments.


Hehehehe, thanks, but I'm to lazy for that, also I don't use NMM I use Wrye Bash, and i don't feel like downloading NMM never, not even by clicking a button in steam XD

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:huh: You not seeing the "endorse" button on each of the modders pages? I'm pretty sure the mod authors aren't going to "send you a message" for an endorsement. :huh: You're supposed to be thanking them for their work... Not having them thanking you for an endorsement. Doesn't make sense. :huh:
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:huh: You not seeing the "endorse" button on each of the modders pages? I'm pretty sure the mod authors aren't going to "send you a message" for an endorsement. :huh: You're supposed to be thanking them for their work... Not having them thanking you for an endorsement. Doesn't make sense. :huh:


Now I guess I better erase this post, cause im pissing off the whole community.

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:huh: You not seeing the "endorse" button on each of the modders pages? I'm pretty sure the mod authors aren't going to "send you a message" for an endorsement. :huh: You're supposed to be thanking them for their work... Not having them thanking you for an endorsement. Doesn't make sense. :huh:


Now I guess I better erase this post, cause im pissing off the whole community.


No need to worry about that. ;) I don't think anyone is pissed. Communication breakdown I guess. It's all good. 8)

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