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Which game you mostly play???


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Modern Warfare 3 Online, Of Course, Because this Game Have No High Specs Computers for Playing, Well I Like The Story Too For Captain Price HaHa, Just Like obagi Also I Like Playing Online, But Just Original Users Only. Edited by zorudam14
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The first one is definitely Oblivion; I spent hundreds of hours with playing and modding this game and it still doesn't bore me :biggrin: .

The second is most probably STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (in my opinion it's still the best game of the STALKER-series).

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I put 900hours into Skyrim http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif also used to put allot of time into gran turismo 5. 400hours. Now its borderlands 2. Edited by Thor.
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Thinking about the most time I spent on any one game is hard as I mostly play them to death! I think the most amount of hours gone into any one game would be Oblivion.


I don't know the total play time because I had it on XBox360, PS3, and now PC but I can safely say I can remember every mission, every collectible, every intregal NPC, and pretty much every corner of the map and that was before using mods!

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Jeez, I think I have about 700 hours into Oblivion. I lost count lol. Conquered that game though, found and did everything. That was before mods. Decided to mod it and pretty much stopped playing it when I went to Windows 7. Didn't want to re-install it haha...would take hours :P


Nowadays, I mostly play the Angry Birds series. Kinda burnt out on everything else, so I play a couple levels a day.

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